
Friday, 5 December 2014

22. Knowledge Society and contemporary world

Knowledge Society and contemporary world


Knowledge society has become household term. But deep transformative current for production of knowledge, its management and dissemination needed to be understood. Knowledge accumulated by mind-body experiences of human beings, day by day, private experiences by private experiences. any society is itself exist on some kind of knowledge in form of culture which consists recognised common aspects of society like art(sculpture,dance,music,painting,architecture),education,custom,norms,beliefs,ideas.  

How knowledge society evolved

-If human took their sense experiences at face value, they would be confronted by unintelligible mass of impressions – of colors, lights, sounds, smells, feelings and tastes –that were meaningless. In order to overcome this problem, humans begin to organise the world around him into phenomena. For example a distinction may be made between animate and inanimate things and so on. Further differentiation and categorisation of knowledge made necessity to codify it.
- Information accumulated and used simultaneously but when the concept of sell of knowledge production and distribution come in vogue, knowledge society manifested.
- Now, We are witnessing the emergence of a need for clarification of aims of knowledge society as a project of society.

Comparison among information society (past), knowledge society and intelligent society (future)-

An information society is a society where the creation, distribution, uses, integration and manipulation of information is a significant economic, political, and cultural activity. In knowledge society, information is treated as commodity having economic value. Here Knowledge is created, organised ,processed and analysed with specialised skills. Created knowledge is compartmentalised for different sectors of economy and social life with particular purposes. Institutionalization of knowledge processing, knowledge creation and dissemination is prime in knowledge society. It is harbinger of a society which will be oriented to full use of all potentialities of available knowledge which we can call intelligent society.

Welfare state, Neoliberal democratic regime and Knowledge society

-       Equality in knowledge access, sharing and application
-       Role of state in facilitating open and free environment of knowledge sharing and governing network through legislation, capacity building and infrastructure development.
-       Skill development- embed knowledge in ICT network
-       Massive open online courses is the best way for dissemination of educational content economically to larger populous.

Knowledge society and techno -world economy

Any society seek progress in contemporary world through the use of technology and applied science.All basic infrastructure communication, transportation,electricity and housing all depend upon the technological developmental stage where industrialization and urbanization is manifestation of the society moving towards the solid knowledge based scientific world.

Knowledge society and homogenising culture 

Knowledge itself is search for universal facts, ordered phenomenon and all accepted concepts and explanations. In this case, internet playing a great role to bring all societies and culture at common platform of interaction. Definitely a amalgam of cultures and values will be more and more throughout the world like in language, clothing, food habits and other aspects of life. For the time being, we are seeing increased reflective and reflexive activities by local forces against global homogenisation. It is usually called Anti-Globalization wave.

Knowledge society and promise to change the world

-          How the change come ? orthodoxy ,parochialism,obscurantism,primodialism and conservativeness is inevitable after a period of time where society became stagnant.then the new ideas bring newness and creativity in society .
-          Global stakes in application of knowledge
-          Moral and ethical reasoning based on knowledge

Development   and knowledge society debate-
-Are we progressing when we are transitioning from previous structures and form of societies to knowledge based society?
-Is knowledge society is novel and unprecedented idea
-Human rights and freedom enshrined into laws is not the whole story of human progress rather human capabilities must be at place. It means capacity of the society to exercise the laws in practice of which possibility is less imagined in a society completely transformed in knowledge society.

-Overemphasising and over relying upon knowledge considering it panacea