
Thursday, 9 January 2014

2. Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses

One day one disciple came to his Guru in order to seek permission to leave education institute's premises considering his education is complete.He said "sir, i have read all the scriptures available to us and most of them i i move forward in life if my education is complete.Guru said "No,still you have to learn a lot.while other disciple came and questioned "sir,i read that all human accept the principle of equality.all religion preach equality.then why the inequality still prevail.Guru said"your education is complete your can move in your life as you wish".
Here we meant that to inculcate the habit to question with inquisitiveness and try to find out the answer reasonably and plausibly, is true education. 

This type of true education can bring egalitarian society. The practical reality comes from striving and doing efforts after a dreaming utopia.But how education works in realising equality in so unequal society in so many aspects like political, cultural, economic ,religious and social.

Education is wheel on which a progressive society celebrate its journey.Education provides and facilitate all kind of knowledge,skill,reason,wisdom,morality and is not information ,information is not knowledge ,knowledge is not understanding and understanding is not wisdom.But when this wisdom comprise morality and spirituality then it becomes education.

True Education is not only intellectual care but also care of hearts which builds a character in the man. Vivekananda said,"Character makes a man" and such kind of men makes a society free from social ills. when all men in a society have a pure character and spiritual strength then that society may realize extract of the utopia of egalitarianism. 

But a education which create a cog in machine or passive citizenry ,produce a race of dyspeptics,reinforce inequalities by restricting itself to particular elite or rich class, cannot be driver of principle of active collective conscience for egalitarian society.

Without compassion,empathy,morality and spiritual growth, It is in vain if we dream of a society which respects all its members equally and provide chance of a dignified and content life to all.

Education is increasingly becoming centric to the government's thinking in order to realize the desire for india's economic competitiveness in the globalized world. The orientation of this kind of policy is to create a mass producing "narrowly skilled" people with a limited vision of life and completely sold out to on promises of consumerist hedonism.Is that mass will be capable of understanding the equality and practicing it in real life in era of competitiveness.

How education will help to bring equality at various edges of social life. Education will create a sense of duty and responsibilities which further inculcate tolerance among social beings.The tolerant beings can better understand other fellow beings rights.The harmonious and symbiotic coexistence of all type of people and individuals with extreme diversities will be mantra of true education. 

Friction-less and a society devoid of disputes essentialize the equality at all domain.on the other hand,education will facilitate the lower or dominated group economic means and freedom.Economic freedom further promote Social and political freedom which is nothing but condition of equality(Amartya Sen).

The idea of reform and improvement comes from well education.The context centric thinking has a natural tendency to privilege status quo and in result make the change undesired.but education can change this way of thinking to make it more radical towards identifying problem and solving it courageously.
Contemporary educational system and reforms needed

In contemporary time .Education is being imparted in schools and colleges formally with certain specific curricula and syllabi which is just a miniature of education not whole.

In this formal education system only knowledge transfer and skill development(for professional growth) is emphasized. Though lacking in qualitative aspects ,still not accessible to a large section of society which is underprivileged.Welfare state can play a major role but having its own constraints and in capabilities.Then a need emerges where education itself inculcate value in beings of society to further promote it for the sake of collectiveness and community.

Constitution enshrines the right to education for all(children) but not implemented in letter and spirit.....

Without reforms education system can not play its role as contemplated.The aim of reforms should be such that it bring in children self learning agency to satisfy their curiosity instantly and fully,it generate a capacity among youth to control and channelize their bountiful energy for social good.every man after education evolve a complete personality with full physical,mental ,moral and spiritual growth.

More emphasis on self-learning by creating and facilitating conducive environment for the same ;Teachers and para-teachers must be trained to provide interactive learning with more contents of debate,dialogue, discussion and deliberation(4 -D's).All curricula must be situated in contexts and guided by ideals to explore all aspects of human personality in particular necessitate all round development

No society is egalitarian except in the past some ancient hunter-cum-gatherer societies .But even primitive society were not devoid of hierarchies(inequality). If we talk about to bring or make possible egalitarian society then it is journey towards it which is endless. Though end is contemplated but journey is for celebration itself which is necessity, desire, destiny and inevitability of human civilization. We have to and must strive for Egalitarianism because this is what we The humans, The thinking beings, are made for- improvement , development, progress year by year,day by day,movement by moment towards the ideal, for the dream.

1 comment:

  1. sir,
    thanks for ur would be better if you have some feedback to improve also
