
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

11. Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative ,economic and developmental implications

In any federation and union states are different administrative and political entity which represent separate identity of themselves with respect to each other.This separate identity of state solidified in the people's ideology attached to language ,ethnicity or other for of cultural identity.Whenever the demands of any group of people not met with their aspirations  and necessities then the caused frustration led to claim for separate statehood.though lack of development of a particular region and its people is primary reason for demand for creation of smaller state but sometimes political parties also polarize the demand of separate statehood in their own vested interest of narrow political gain.
                  In India,the demands of separate states has been evaporating from time to time after independence.With State reorganisation act,1956 the various small states cam e into existence on linguist basis,after that Goa,Nagaland ,Sikkim etc. formed from Foreign territory or Union territory.In 1966 haryana was created after bifucation of Punjab.In 2000. three states Uttarakhand,Jharkhand and chattisgarh were created from UP ,Bihar and Madhya pradesh repectively.In these three states chhatisgarh and Jharkhand were created on the basis of backwardness and tribal identity while Uttarakhand was created for separate geographical Terrain and related culture.
                 Regionalism and ethnic sentiments of the deprived sections(from main stream development) ,when polarised ,a demand of smaller state comes to the surface.When demand of smaller state matures then definitely there are some plausible reasons . the reasons propagated can be that the small state are better maintained and run by administrative machinery .Smaller state have lesser number of groups with separate identity or sometimes a single ethnic or cultural group .Thus the discriminatory politics can not play its part to create regional disparities.all the areas and people are taking care by government at par with a particular geographical area will be utilized for that part only. Class and group conflict will be minimized or atleast will be lessened.
In India ,there are more than 20 demands are there for separate . Demands for Gorakhaland in Northern  west Bengal,Bodoland in northern Assam,Bundelkhand from UP and Madhya Pradesh,Harit pradesh,Awadh and purvanchal from UP,Marusthal from western Rajasthan,Kongu Nadu from Tamilnadu,Laddakh from J & k, Tulu Nadu from Karnatka,Kosal from Odisha ,Vidarbha from Maharashtra and Kutch or Saurashtra from Gujrat etc. are at one stage or another.
                  when we talk about consequent administrative,economic and developmental implications then certainly we can say that  administrative convenience cannot come from smaller territorial jurisdiction but comes from rational and justified work allotment among administrators and administrative expertise.The administration effectiveness also depends on fair recuitment ,corruption free environment ,instrumental role of administration with political neutrality etc. Large state with large administrative machinery can be equally efficient if appropriate and balanced division of authority is excercised among staff agency and field units.Economic sustainability depends on the available capital,natural resources and human resource .If anyone among these lacks then economy of the state will suffer despite its size and population.Even smaller state cannot sustain without proper availability of economic prerequisites for development.While development is more comprehensive than mere administrative or economic aspect which better evaluated by empirical evidences.In 2000,three states were created in which Chhatisgarh and Jharkhand missed their aspire and expected level of development except Uttarakhand.Jharkhand even proved to be political failure state though having vast natural resources.Implication in terms of development depends on all aspects administrative ,political and Economic and Social also.We cannot evaluate considering only one aspect that whether the newly created state will be successful on the expected growth trajectory.
                          Creation of the state should be rational after prolonged public debate and thorough evaluation and not initiated or motivated  by political interest.It should emerge from genuine people's aspirations and necessity.Autonomy may be the intermediary stage but may be effective in gradual transfer of power to people,administration and political group of newly created state.