
Saturday, 18 January 2014

6.Independent thinking should be encouraged right from childhood

Independent thinking is the process of making sense of the world based on your own observations and experiences rather than depending on the word of others. It is the ability to trust your own judgments, even if they are not in agreement with what others might say or believe. Independent thinking means acting in accordance with your beliefs, even if you sometimes make mistakes, and looking for flaws in arguments and resisting claims that have no supporting evidence.
Though a man is born with independent thinking but gradually parents,friends and society pose some control and constraints upon his thinking .Here we can quote  "man can do what he thinks but can not will what he wills" in the words of Schopenhauer ,a famous Philosopher.
What Independent thinking will do broadly
The role of independent thinking in change is very crucial.With independent thinking a man is not captured or restricted to existing social and derived personal values.He treats each one with the same fervor and reason,thus becomes the base and prime mover change.The passive acceptor and submissive can not bring a vibrant change.
Independent thinking may eliminate disputes among individuals caused by narrow mindset attached to primordial values and parochialism.
Independent thinking will promote creativity and freshness of thought and will cause innovation.
Why should encourage independent thinking right from childhood
According to neurological science ,brain plasticity is maximum in habit of Independent thinking must be inculcated and trained fro childhood.
You can not change a  religious fundamentalist into a secular person not just because he is mature enough to understand reason.After a certain age ,by following a certain way of life,man accepts himself a less significant part of  larger whole of society.To be comfortable and being in harmony with fellow beings becomes his rational thought.he starts to work for maintaining and continuing the status quo in major aspects of life.Thus to create a highly rational independent thinkers and practitioners ,Independent thinking should be inculcating right from childhood.
what advantages to human society from independent thinkers
-it will make the individuals and so the whole society highly secular.No religion fundamentalist,orthodoxy,parochialism and traditionalism.Spirituality will overtake rituals in all religions.
-It will make formal institutionalized education system to  more effective and as what is desired.
-Modernisation in society will be rapid due to highly innovative,risk taking through initiative and newness.Traditions will not be judged by sacredness but by reason and rationality.A virtuous cycle will exist for progress and modernisation.
-Equality will percolate to practices from a base will be provided for upcoming egalitarian society.caste ,class,gender and other discriminations will be minimal.democratic principles will be followed al large in every aspects of collective doings.
-every professional will be innovator,initiator and entrpreneurs in his own.