
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

10. Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the life blood of real civilization

Human intellect is not free from his interest so his(human's) curiosity which is always pacified by organised scientific enquiry and investigation in the field related.then man's intellect that  is the ability to reason is used for to spread and to earn a consensus for his own preferences and priorities compatible to one's opinion and thoughts constructed after thorough investigation.Man is bestowed with blessing of independent thinking and reason.But progress demands more than intellect .Intellect which serve the common good or for good of whole society rather than narrow interest of Individual or few.Disinterested intellectual curiosity is what if present in individual he never seeks personal advantage by orienting effort  in his own favour and in doing so maintain true spirit and essence of the reason.
Curiosity ,Intellect and Knowledge
Inquisitiveness is mother of all knowledge ,which man employs for obtaining the knowledge of whatever the unknown and to add in the existing corpus of knowledge.But it should be free from prejudices of the existing knowledge.If not then the existing ken and corpus of knowledge loose its usefulness and worthiness in the time because of continuous change in human society.Without curiosity ,the intellect is fruitless and so the knowledge loose its vitality and vigourness.
Intellectual curiosity :A vital of civilization
Progress is born of inquiry.when intellectual inquiry finds the problems of man and aid human to live better,progress occurs.Progress is a change towards a anticipated goal.Civilization is a utilitarian order.What we achieved cumulatively throughout the change it its journey.Human civilization ,according to some thinkers ,followed the cyclic order creation and death.Worlds were created and decayed .The changes in physical environment and biological evolutionary changes  are adapted by humans through the technological order and cultural order.But both technology and cultural order needs upgradation to facilitate adaptability to Human civilization irrespective of time and space.Advancement comes through investigation which is stimulated by curiosity.Curiosity about nature,about self existence,about metaphysics and any other phenomena which lacks logical explanation of occurrence.In this way curiosity is drive behind civilizational progressiveness.If not so then Societies get entrapped in dark ages like In India after Gupta's age and in premodern european societies.
Real civilization and Goal
If we relate real civilization with sustainability,vitality and healthiness then its constituents must have contentment all throughout life.Change is inevitable,permanent ,continuous and more a necessity.It is the blood of any civilization and needs fresh supply recurrently.Every domain of life affected by lack of intellectual curiosity.then the goal of the civilization is defeated .To provide the best possible life to its beings  is the means as well as end of the civilization.