
Sunday, 29 November 2015

35. ‘India Will Help Shape a New World Order in 21st Century’

IR phrases

Essays Linked:
1. Is India more concerned of it’s branding at the global stage than what it can actually offer to the world in real terms?
2. ‘India Will Help Shape a New World Order in 21st Century’

1. present Global world Order- constant flux and changing
2. Global Middle class rise
3. Afro-Asian solidarity
4. Mutually empowering close interaction ,capacity building and helping institutions
5. Multifarious development programme
6. World peace lies in sharing capacity of development not in providing or trading military hardware.
7. South- South cooperation complementary to North- south Cooperation.
8. Not prescriptive - development assistance not linked to the conditionalities
9. Re- Imagining Global orders
10. Indian may not be willing to play the role of Global Power
11. Multi pronged global collaborative networks
12. Exceptionalisation and isolationism are hardly viable.
13. a new global order which is reflective of the philosophy of the world as a family.
14. The rapidly globalizing world has to think like one without diluting national and indigenous identities and cultures.
15. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam the ancient Vedic ideal – One World, One Family

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


1. The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

( In context of social tension, agitation,unrest, civil society vs state)

2. Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.

Kofi Annan
( In context of Human rights,role of education) 

4.“You can kill a person, but it will take ages to kill an Ideology.”
(non violent means to tackle terrorism)

5.  It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of humanity.When we tap into the spirit of non violence ,it becomes contagious and can topple empires- Gandhi Ji(non violent means to tackle terrorism)

6.A moral system valid for all is basically immoral- Friedrich Nietzsche

7.  There is no such thing as moral phenomenon but only Moral interpretations of the phenomenon- Nietzsche

8. There is no way to peace but peace is the way-Gandhi Ji
9. “Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi
10. Brain must be educated through the hands.
11. Develop skill that are needed or you will need to lie, steal or cheat or depend on other for your survival.
12. One of the most important all personal leadership skills is self-awareness- Robin Sharma.
13. Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary- elaborate and explain the thought for bringing social justice: the soul of democracy

Disaster management phrases

1. disasters are  policy disasters rather than results of nature's vagaries.
policy concerns, policy cycle, mitigation policy
2. system failure than nature's retribution
3. International implications.
4. concerted action
5. vulnerability quotient on account of physical, social and economic vulnerability of the multitudes
6. vulnerability profile of India,vulnerability assessment
7. Disasters exacerbate poverty conditions
8. Institutional weaknesses have created system vulnerabilities over time.
9. inter sector linkages have not duly explored.
10. exploring systems of health care financing.
11. Man made disasters:-
       Communal riots, Ethnic clashes, Civil strife, Civil war, International war like clash of civilization etc.
12. Outbreak of war and problems:-
     Ravaged infra, displaced persons, epidemics, lack of water, lack of shelter, accumulation of rubbish and unhygiene, food shortage, hunger etc.
13. "Man cannot step into the same river twice" remarked Heroclitus centuries ago but it holds true even today.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

31. Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live’

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live’
What makes us human? Is it the flesh, bones, heart and brain? Perhaps none of it; It’s our conscience the accumulated sum total of our experiences, our emotions, our abilities and our vulnerabilities. It binds us to the world, makes us believe humans matter and above all is the driver of all proactivity.
But very often few conscience shattering experiences create sociopaths, the brains without emotions. The degree of numbness is immense. There is no pain, no compassion, no solace and no succour, and neither any feeling of joy nor aspiration for it. This isn’t nirvana either, as nirvana is achieved by and for the human soul; whereas sociopaths have no soul left to achieve
nirvana for.
Humanity has been sustained and maintained by these mutual bondages and individual aspirations. Loss of these values would make anyone an outcast in a society. This level of awareness and compassion is what separates man from other animals. Unlike animals, humans don’t have to depend on instincts (though they have them). Humans are an innovative species not just because we won the race of natural selection out of sheer luck, but our consciousness helped us win the race.
When this ability to feel, reason and be associated is lost, we lose the humane portion of our existence. We survive, but the reason why we exist is lost. The sheer volume of data resting in our heads becomes meaningless with the software processing that data gone forever. Even heretics pained by world look for solace, but when you lose your soul there’s neither need nor a will to look for solace. It isn’t despair either as for that you would need hope. It’s an inner world of utter sheer emptiness, an unfathomable void which can’t be filled.
Be it Buddha or Gandhi, all have emphasized on compassion, and found it integral to our soul. The means to salvation according to them was to behave humanely, be in touch with human elements. But once we let go of the human values, we lose all sense of morality and obligation. The institutions constructed for pushing these values (religion, government, family, and society) seem redundant and often ridiculous. The detachment can make us undermine humans and sometimes even render them insignificant. The HOC prayer of Frank Underwood sums it best –
“There’s no solace above or below; only us, small, solitary, striving, battling one another. I pray to myself for myself.”
It’s not all horrible being a sociopath; the loss of emotions and worldly bondages makes us more efficient. The stone cold choices made are more rational than ever. There’s no fear of consequence, or any fear of any sort holding us back. It’s neither love, nor obscure social bondage of patriotic duties that can move us or restrict us. We may not be able to appreciate art be it Picasso, Raphael or Van Gogh or a 4 year old kid, but isn’t the whole point of arts is to not be condescending and judgemental. We may not be able to hold our new born kid and feel the sparkle in its eyes; but isn’t this sort of selfish nepotistic relations cause of all sort of feuds and malaise in present society.
The perception that being a sociopath makes us an insane robot is also flawed, for sanity and robotics are both concepts made by mortal humans and not the eternal souls. Being human has its inherent advantages and disadvantages. Sociopaths just don’t share these advantages/ disadvantages.
Not being able to feel any pain is the best blessing humans can ask for but the blessing comes at the cost of not being able to feel joy either. Probably being able to feel, desire and aspire is what makes us humans, makes us more than a tangible entity. The feeling of belonging keeps us together. The aspirations keep us innovative and fear and caution protect us. These psychological and biological links are intertwined and make a human, humane. Death is a loss to a society, but death of humanness is the loss to individual, and an immeasurable one.

30.‘Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live’.

 "The day of my birth , my death began its walk" apt saying as human lives in a cycle from birth to death. This is truth- permanent and unavoidable.Death is like going back to the origin of being and again merger with the five fundamentals elements out of which this world formed. when death is truth then speculating over its gain and loss is not worthy. But life is more about living rather living meaningfully in one's conception and at its full potential.

Human have many aspects of his being like biological, psychological and spiritual. All these aspects in collective make us human. these aspects are proof of human connection from tangible physical world to intricate mystic cosmos. That is why human have conscience ,morality , compassion and spirituality other than the bodily basic instincts.
Conscience tell us wrongness and rightness of one's behaviour in societal setup,though in alone he is himself and free from worldly expectations and bondages.
Morality make a human humane , full of regulated ,controlled and directed thoughts. Morality teaches us why we should respects other people's bodily integrity and do never such act to be offensive to other's value and belief system and faith.Morality tells what our behavior should to others. it finds the basis of compassion and the way to curb the horses of passion.
Spirituality bring the human closer to nature and cosmos. Human get the essence of his being and contemplate himself as Integral part of this dimensionless, intricate and mystic universe whole. this conception is not reflection of haughtiness of being superior among all but understand his responsibilities and duties while enjoying the consciousness at higher echelon to promote and protect sustainability to world system. how can Such a majestic and superb qualities ,can defy Humans to die before death is a question which should be prime Enquiry to all Human race.
What is there which may not be present during life is not questionable. It can be lack of morality and spirituality, lack of compassion and life enduring passion etc. it is always individual's interpretative judgmental view of life that what he considers as essential and priority. But fundamentals of Humane life can not be denied by anyone at any cost. On the other hand one's conception oh is world matter.

Man lives with his conception of life for oneself ,for family, for society, for nation ,for truth and for supreme being that is GOD. If life is not worthy in one's own terms by any means ,death occurs , subjective rather than objective. This is nothing but the dying of willingness and passion for life.It is the condition when all reason fail to cherish and appreciate this invaluable gift of life. At this stage, one is equal to dead and this is most tragic and greatest loss. the tragedy lies behind the fact that every being want to live, it is one's basic instinct of survival and right too. But something happened in this material world that an existence denied itself.

we live in a world full of inequalities like social, cultural, economic, political and many more. No two human beings are equal by any means is an universal truth. Life would be complete if exist alone. But it exist in common and collective and conceives everything comparatively. The relative deprivation caused additional deaths along with natural one. The exploited and suppressed class when stops dreaming individually and collectively and accept the destiny as it is ,it dies before death.Here Marx is a fit that then religion become the "opium of masses " in such conditions. the examples are migrant people from war torn or riot affected countries and attached humanitarian crisis. they are the group where people not able to get basic necessities of life and gradually calamities of life itself torn them apart. But sometimes few individuals are victim of the circumstances not the whole community.

Individual is also responsible for his own destiny. His endurance towards odds and fortitude to fight adversaries of life , determine his mental condition which further decide his passion for life. The individual who can not cope up with the struggles of life ,he dies by quit and complete submission. He, then, stops strive for making things better to enjoy rest of life. The deviant , confused and alienated youth is most vulnerable to such conditions. Sometimes Individual end their life by suicide also. This is deplorable and heaviest blow to nature's law. Life must be respected in all conditions and by any means at any cost.

what circumstances exist to deny life are variable and complex. But one thing is essential that human life cannot live alone with basic necessities only. It wants purpose and meaning of life. It may come from setting goal of life, satiating some wants and desires and from faith. The recent radical change under large discourses of modernisation and Globalisation brought kind of changes which ripped community life apart. Region was a umbrella for integration of all aspects of life. The increasing differentiation of human life under secularisation by decline of faith and religion, Individual has become misplaced in society. This , though , very according to individuals conception. But a fit role in society evade confusion in one's life and provide existential satisfaction to one. that is why few individuals are not able to connect and integrate themselves with society and obstacle the flow of life.

On the other hand , world is full of examples when individual endured all odds in life and brought dignity to it. they set great example to humanity. The living paralyzed scientist Stephen Hawking did what the full life cannot. the day to day examples are shown by disable people's Achievement that life is how you take it. Some one said the sharpest violation of human rights is not inflicted upon you ,it comes from within. this is directed towards the one who don't respect their own life and disrupt it by any means.

Altruism that is living for others without any expectations, faith in the name of Supreme Power, devotion to family or dear one brings meaning in life. Meaning and purpose provide the necessary energy and Flow of life. We cannot stop death to happen but can eliminate the preventive premature deaths.Here the achievement of life is not to get something but to achieve life till blissful and respected Beautiful death.