
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

10. Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the life blood of real civilization

Human intellect is not free from his interest so his(human's) curiosity which is always pacified by organised scientific enquiry and investigation in the field related.then man's intellect that  is the ability to reason is used for to spread and to earn a consensus for his own preferences and priorities compatible to one's opinion and thoughts constructed after thorough investigation.Man is bestowed with blessing of independent thinking and reason.But progress demands more than intellect .Intellect which serve the common good or for good of whole society rather than narrow interest of Individual or few.Disinterested intellectual curiosity is what if present in individual he never seeks personal advantage by orienting effort  in his own favour and in doing so maintain true spirit and essence of the reason.
Curiosity ,Intellect and Knowledge
Inquisitiveness is mother of all knowledge ,which man employs for obtaining the knowledge of whatever the unknown and to add in the existing corpus of knowledge.But it should be free from prejudices of the existing knowledge.If not then the existing ken and corpus of knowledge loose its usefulness and worthiness in the time because of continuous change in human society.Without curiosity ,the intellect is fruitless and so the knowledge loose its vitality and vigourness.
Intellectual curiosity :A vital of civilization
Progress is born of inquiry.when intellectual inquiry finds the problems of man and aid human to live better,progress occurs.Progress is a change towards a anticipated goal.Civilization is a utilitarian order.What we achieved cumulatively throughout the change it its journey.Human civilization ,according to some thinkers ,followed the cyclic order creation and death.Worlds were created and decayed .The changes in physical environment and biological evolutionary changes  are adapted by humans through the technological order and cultural order.But both technology and cultural order needs upgradation to facilitate adaptability to Human civilization irrespective of time and space.Advancement comes through investigation which is stimulated by curiosity.Curiosity about nature,about self existence,about metaphysics and any other phenomena which lacks logical explanation of occurrence.In this way curiosity is drive behind civilizational progressiveness.If not so then Societies get entrapped in dark ages like In India after Gupta's age and in premodern european societies.
Real civilization and Goal
If we relate real civilization with sustainability,vitality and healthiness then its constituents must have contentment all throughout life.Change is inevitable,permanent ,continuous and more a necessity.It is the blood of any civilization and needs fresh supply recurrently.Every domain of life affected by lack of intellectual curiosity.then the goal of the civilization is defeated .To provide the best possible life to its beings  is the means as well as end of the civilization.

11. Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative ,economic and developmental implications

In any federation and union states are different administrative and political entity which represent separate identity of themselves with respect to each other.This separate identity of state solidified in the people's ideology attached to language ,ethnicity or other for of cultural identity.Whenever the demands of any group of people not met with their aspirations  and necessities then the caused frustration led to claim for separate statehood.though lack of development of a particular region and its people is primary reason for demand for creation of smaller state but sometimes political parties also polarize the demand of separate statehood in their own vested interest of narrow political gain.
                  In India,the demands of separate states has been evaporating from time to time after independence.With State reorganisation act,1956 the various small states cam e into existence on linguist basis,after that Goa,Nagaland ,Sikkim etc. formed from Foreign territory or Union territory.In 1966 haryana was created after bifucation of Punjab.In 2000. three states Uttarakhand,Jharkhand and chattisgarh were created from UP ,Bihar and Madhya pradesh repectively.In these three states chhatisgarh and Jharkhand were created on the basis of backwardness and tribal identity while Uttarakhand was created for separate geographical Terrain and related culture.
                 Regionalism and ethnic sentiments of the deprived sections(from main stream development) ,when polarised ,a demand of smaller state comes to the surface.When demand of smaller state matures then definitely there are some plausible reasons . the reasons propagated can be that the small state are better maintained and run by administrative machinery .Smaller state have lesser number of groups with separate identity or sometimes a single ethnic or cultural group .Thus the discriminatory politics can not play its part to create regional disparities.all the areas and people are taking care by government at par with a particular geographical area will be utilized for that part only. Class and group conflict will be minimized or atleast will be lessened.
In India ,there are more than 20 demands are there for separate . Demands for Gorakhaland in Northern  west Bengal,Bodoland in northern Assam,Bundelkhand from UP and Madhya Pradesh,Harit pradesh,Awadh and purvanchal from UP,Marusthal from western Rajasthan,Kongu Nadu from Tamilnadu,Laddakh from J & k, Tulu Nadu from Karnatka,Kosal from Odisha ,Vidarbha from Maharashtra and Kutch or Saurashtra from Gujrat etc. are at one stage or another.
                  when we talk about consequent administrative,economic and developmental implications then certainly we can say that  administrative convenience cannot come from smaller territorial jurisdiction but comes from rational and justified work allotment among administrators and administrative expertise.The administration effectiveness also depends on fair recuitment ,corruption free environment ,instrumental role of administration with political neutrality etc. Large state with large administrative machinery can be equally efficient if appropriate and balanced division of authority is excercised among staff agency and field units.Economic sustainability depends on the available capital,natural resources and human resource .If anyone among these lacks then economy of the state will suffer despite its size and population.Even smaller state cannot sustain without proper availability of economic prerequisites for development.While development is more comprehensive than mere administrative or economic aspect which better evaluated by empirical evidences.In 2000,three states were created in which Chhatisgarh and Jharkhand missed their aspire and expected level of development except Uttarakhand.Jharkhand even proved to be political failure state though having vast natural resources.Implication in terms of development depends on all aspects administrative ,political and Economic and Social also.We cannot evaluate considering only one aspect that whether the newly created state will be successful on the expected growth trajectory.
                          Creation of the state should be rational after prolonged public debate and thorough evaluation and not initiated or motivated  by political interest.It should emerge from genuine people's aspirations and necessity.Autonomy may be the intermediary stage but may be effective in gradual transfer of power to people,administration and political group of newly created state.

8. Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanisation

Explanation of Balkanisation: (B)
Originally Balkanisation is the geopolitical term used to describe the division of a region or state into the small fragmentation.It was coined at the end of World War I to describe the ethnic and political fragmentation that followed the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, particularly in the Balkans.But  now the term is used in broader aspect even refer to fragmentation of organization,technical concept like internet any paradigm or even any concept.
Cons of (B):
(B) leads to creation of smaller states after division which further lack in capacity in terms of Economic,political,administrative etc. This small nation image not so relevant at world stage to project herself as a power.the smaller state even lack in capacity to deal with external threat and becomes prone to security threat.The state becomes constrained to undertake big projects for the welfare of the society.
(B) has no end in itself ,it may have cascading effect and defeat the purpose for which it came into existence by demanding more autonomy or further Balkanisation.Second,B is against the trends of time.Here we can quote the examples of regional blocs like EU ,African union etc. the 21st century is for heterogenous societies(moving towards homogeneity) and cultural mix under discourse of Globalisation having instruments and concepts of mobility,communication ,internet,spread of cosmopolitan culture to dilute the heterogeneity among societies.
Autonomy :An evaluation
Autonomy refers to one's own self-governance or accountability for one's actions..It satisfies the aspirations of the people under constitutional stave off  division of country.But sometimes it creates anarchic condition when the actors after getting autonomy act according to their whims and fancies.So a machinery should be already in governing framework to curb excessive arbitrariness in the excercise of autonomy. When Balkanisation is demanded by demagogues,office seekers and political entrepreneurs then coercion is the best option.Asymmetric feudalism and other constitutional innovations are other forms through which we can fight with Balkanisation.Group rights in Indian constitution(art 25-30) is another method to combat Balaknisation.
Is autonomy is the best answer 
Autonomy is one of the methods to combat Balkanisation .there is not one sure fit for all problems .Solution has to be problem specific. There can be any case where autonomy is the best answer.
Conclusion :
Though Balkanisation is not always the best answer but it can be if implemented in time.the demands for autonomy or for Balkanisation develops gradually.Whether it is state or organisation when works in efficiently or can not fulfill its purpose then a leval of discontent evolves among their constituents.When this discontent matures and not addressed in the duration of time it converts into the demands of balkanisation.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

9. National Identity and patriotism

Balanced,rational and healthy feeling of patriotism is necessary for the healthy ,sustainable and progressive life of the nation.patriotism dependent on national identity(NI) and also promotes it.NI like any other identity is a social political construct so have its own constraint.It is extraneous.
NI and Patriotism have deep relation, more correctly if NI is not well formed then Patriotism  is difficult to be found in state's subjects.
How NI Is formed 
Politics is the main medium through which NI is formed.Politics uses shared history,commonality of culture and ethnicity .Dialogue between past and present.Dependent on contemporary politics .Eg When BJP formed the government in 1998 then it changed the content of NCERT book to glorify Hindu nation and Hindu ideology. British Rule came out with different version of history which served their interest.Pakistan,India and Bangalore -all three countries shared the same history but differently taught in each country.Though ideally state should stay away from academia. Subnational identities can promote secessionist tendencies.tendencies. Demagogues ,rabblerousers can use such NI's for political gains.Patriotism is the last resort of the scoundrels.
Democratic ,inclusivist and minority rights respecting open political space for expression of all shades of opinion and such a political system leads to development of healthy ans all comprising NI which is good for Nation and civic life.
NI ,patriotism and nationalism
Too much extreme patriotism leads to Nationalism which further transform into Nazism and Fascism.Even Rabindranath tagore in his essay on 'Nationalism' ,ahs no hesitation in condemning it. He call it 'the organised self interest of a whole people and self idlolatory.Presently existence of large no. of artificial states like Africa,south Asia,City states(Hongkong,Taiwan,Kuwait etc) can not have balanced spirit of Patriotism among its citizen though can be mobilized by Politicians having narrow  or vested interests.These artificial states are hotbed for superpower rivalry and for them it is very difficulty to maintain security ,territorial integrity and national interest.In these states nationalism evaporated as reaction to interference of superpower and antagonistic to the same.
Origin of Nattionalism /Nation can be refer to 'westphalian Treaty'(1648) and the French Revolution(1789). The reasons of origin were given as Security of the state so to make society a fighting machine through centralisation of power.
Patriotism and Nationalism ,though both use National Identity but there is difference in purpose.Patriotism is incipient,implicit spirit evolved gradually for national solidarity ,collectiveness and national interest.but it seems the contemporary Nationalism is like a hot air blowing with a certain cause,usually against Internationalism.
EU: a case study 
EU, a supranational project for which a patriotism was a hindrance as it considered nationality  at par with homogeneity before but now patriotism giving space to spirit of regional cooperation and collectiveness.It seems 20th century was for homogenous society reflected through NI but 21st century is for heterogeneous societies. Here we can quote Indian example where Local and national identities both are equally strong and in harmony.India is a set example for EU of future.
National Identity should be promoted as inclusive and in moderate tone so that it can not go against Internationalism which is demand of the world in future.Humanity can play a decisive and imperative role for harmonious exploitation of National identity for the betterment of the world including the nations individually.Education may prove as one of the means ,Information age can better use of communication technology to spread such kind of education.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

7. Globalisation and its impact on Indian culture

Define globalization in 100 words (refer essay-3)
G itself is manifestation of changes taking place in every so society and culture in the world due to rapid and increased interaction among all cultures.The regular addition and subtraction of cultural traits results in culture change. All cultures change over time--none is static. However, the rate of change and the aspects of culture that change varies from society to society.Culture inherently have diverse modes of thinking and living ,diverse modes of creative activity,diverse modes of social intercourse ,diverse modes of recreation,diverse tastes and diverse hobbies.Differences of cultural expression are in themselves and apart from external coercion not subject to necessity of coordination in single system.So the culture is by nature pluralistic. G only support pluralistic characteristics of culture to expand and proliferating in more acceptable ways by facilitating the plethora of choices in every domain of cultures of the world.
What is culture 
culture have two aspects material culture and abstract culture(non material culture).Material culture consist of clothing,fashion,housing,food,cuisine ,language,communication devices etc. Non-material culture includes the behaviour, ideas, norms, values, and beliefs that contribute to a society's overall culture.All things we bring into existence because we want them as such ,something that we crave after or think we need.they represent ways in which we express ourselves for example typewriter has a utilitarian order so belongs to civilization but novel produced by it falls into cultural order.They respond to a necessity within us ,not to an outer necessity.This is realm of values ,of styles,of emotional attachments,of intellectual adventures.
G and Changing India's material Culture 
Indian urban society already has transformed in its outlook and clothing like T-shirt,jeans,party wears are replacing traditional wear cotton Dhoti,Sarees and suits.These changes are moderately visible in village areas.
People's food habit are shifting to packaged food .Some kind of packaged food is indigenised even like milk and milk products,packaged atta,spices and cooking oil.Road sides eateries are serving Omelette and cutlets which is European style.
Transportation is in line with global trend .Major cities gradually developing its rapid bus corridors ,metro rail network and other mass transit systems.
Communication is both cause and effect of G .India has emerged one of the leading nation in indigenising the latest technology of Information and communication technology .
Education is now more accessible and open under G.Global international schools ,Exchange programs with foreign schools and universities ,Foreign university campuses.
list is unexhaustive so we will try to condense here
When two value laden variables interacts ,if one loose its identity then it is not desirable and good for its perspective. Integration of both with retaining their  individual identity is common good.Though some perceived changes are not a direst threat to India's few people says that Burger is threat to South Indian Dosa and north India samosa then it is misinterpreted.A burger can not take place of Dosa or Samosa in real sense.
G and changing India's Non material Culture 
The stream of norms , beliefs ,customs  and ideas in any culture flows from Socio-politico and economic  life and changes with the change in any of these aspects.
Norms and customs are loosening significance in their original tone but reinforced with a slightly different form.Like at Diwali ,chain of  electric bulbs taking place of the traditional deeps.At large the whole way of life is changing not only in urban India but also in rural areas.
Religion gradually restricting to individual faith excepting some sporadic religious fundamentalist currents.people are emerging as more tolerant religiously .Rituals weakening and loosening their space in fast competitive life under G.Due to G religion is continuously restricting to individualism and people despite of any religious belongingness resorting to similar way of life.Now religion is not dominating to prescribe the domestic chores ,profession and other aspects of life.under capitalism ,market is now deciding factor what had been arena of religion and community throughout ate human civilization largely.Abstract part of culture like ideas are becoming more spontaneous and fast to bring change .Change and other dynamic part of life is becoming more necessary ,acceptable and appreciable under discourse of G.ideas of change spreading in society and covering its subjects without distinction.though values are not he same but what is desirable is also  value laden and expressed by priorities and and necessities of the people of concerned culture.
G and changing rural India 
In rural areas land and agriculture is above means of livelihood.But due to corporatisation of agriculture ,feminisation of agriculture ,Contract farming etc. are deeply pervaded in the agriculture.Social inequalities in rural are reducing but economic inequalities are increasing in the similar way as in the Urban.Rural youth now no longer want to pursue agriculture and aspires to do White collar Jobs.Not only the highly educated youth is migrating from rural but lower and middle level educated youth finds him in the same traps of expectations and desires of scintillating urban life.They even don't know that low skilled jobs can not give them what they want in Urban.I urban people do not enjoy work,and see it as something they have to do only in order survive,and even that survival comes at the stake of calm,serene and peaceful community life(in rural).
Is the change/impact on culture progressive (conclusion)
Indian of 21st century shares more features with China or the US that it shares with 19th century India.So what we can conclude about this change,is it progressive for India which we can never say with certainty.progress ,in absolute sense ,which means cultural progress,remains a matter of faith.The facts as we know them and particular conception we constructs with them depends on our agreeable and acceptable worthwhileness which is coming.And no matter what standards we accepts ,we find an ebb and flows,a lack of certitude about the move of culture.What we acquire of the culture of the present or of the past depends on what we are and the role of G can be restricted to facilitator and not seeker of change.Certainly we are bound by some imperative necessities of era of G but it is always true that a new generation cannot enjoy the greater cultural achievements of the past unless they win it afresh for themselves.thus we should leave the authority of decision to alter the flow of impacts of currents of G on new generation in their favour according to their tastes and necessities although we can not forget the umbrella of cumulative wisdom we earned in the journey of our great culture and civilization.  

Saturday, 18 January 2014

6.Independent thinking should be encouraged right from childhood

Independent thinking is the process of making sense of the world based on your own observations and experiences rather than depending on the word of others. It is the ability to trust your own judgments, even if they are not in agreement with what others might say or believe. Independent thinking means acting in accordance with your beliefs, even if you sometimes make mistakes, and looking for flaws in arguments and resisting claims that have no supporting evidence.
Though a man is born with independent thinking but gradually parents,friends and society pose some control and constraints upon his thinking .Here we can quote  "man can do what he thinks but can not will what he wills" in the words of Schopenhauer ,a famous Philosopher.
What Independent thinking will do broadly
The role of independent thinking in change is very crucial.With independent thinking a man is not captured or restricted to existing social and derived personal values.He treats each one with the same fervor and reason,thus becomes the base and prime mover change.The passive acceptor and submissive can not bring a vibrant change.
Independent thinking may eliminate disputes among individuals caused by narrow mindset attached to primordial values and parochialism.
Independent thinking will promote creativity and freshness of thought and will cause innovation.
Why should encourage independent thinking right from childhood
According to neurological science ,brain plasticity is maximum in habit of Independent thinking must be inculcated and trained fro childhood.
You can not change a  religious fundamentalist into a secular person not just because he is mature enough to understand reason.After a certain age ,by following a certain way of life,man accepts himself a less significant part of  larger whole of society.To be comfortable and being in harmony with fellow beings becomes his rational thought.he starts to work for maintaining and continuing the status quo in major aspects of life.Thus to create a highly rational independent thinkers and practitioners ,Independent thinking should be inculcating right from childhood.
what advantages to human society from independent thinkers
-it will make the individuals and so the whole society highly secular.No religion fundamentalist,orthodoxy,parochialism and traditionalism.Spirituality will overtake rituals in all religions.
-It will make formal institutionalized education system to  more effective and as what is desired.
-Modernisation in society will be rapid due to highly innovative,risk taking through initiative and newness.Traditions will not be judged by sacredness but by reason and rationality.A virtuous cycle will exist for progress and modernisation.
-Equality will percolate to practices from a base will be provided for upcoming egalitarian society.caste ,class,gender and other discriminations will be minimal.democratic principles will be followed al large in every aspects of collective doings.
-every professional will be innovator,initiator and entrpreneurs in his own.

Monday, 13 January 2014

5. Is colonial mentality hindering india's growth or not

Prevalence of colonial mentality is all part of post colonial societies with Indian being no exception.colonial mentality is the reference to the values transferred to the post colonial society which were adopted and practised by the colonial society during foreign rule.all these ideas,values ,beliefs and ideology which were in in foreigners ,were forcefully imposed on the people by manipulating and conditioning the environment.Gradually these vales became part of the society and entrenched deep in the social psyche.For example that the Elite and privileged class express snobbish and haughty behaviour.In this way the The elite mimic the foreigners and poorer class try their best to shift to elite class and if succeed then they put all pretensions of the elites.
Colonial mentality(CM) a derogatory term as well 
first all undesired values entrenched in society during colonial period are termed as colonial mentality collectively.this is of no good for contemporary society as these were in the interest of the rulers at that time.this very social phyche protect and maintain stunted growth,sycophancy means 'mai baap culture',blind imitation of westernization,colonial work culture,education system orthodoxy and crony capitalism. 
The term Macaulay's Children is used to refer to people born of Indian ancestry who adopt Western culture and Rudyard Kipling's White Man's burden like terms shows how the rulers made theories to weaken the faith of subjects in their own culture and values.

Colonial mentality,social system and related progress

colonial mentality and political system:
Due to CM politics is alienated from common mass as they thought politics is for elites and big aristocratic families.the result is that the whole political system was captured by few families and worked in their interest.The first generation leaders after independence were filled with patriotism and concern for masses but gradually replaced by the leaders who promoted sycophants and ignored the appreciation of merit .
Colonial mentality and administration:
the administrators psyche is that they are not for people and over people .The Official Secret act still hover over their mind in the era of Right to information  and Right to be informed.
CM and culture :
Culture is assimilating with the western culture but the youth is very criticizing and skeptical about its own culture and aping ruthlessly the western one without considering the pros and cons.The joint families are breaking;consumerism is proliferating;individualism is at its apex in urban life;fashion and style only limited to mimic and imitation.
CM and sports:
till recently Indian has been obsessed with single sports that is Cricket which suppressed the other sports and sportsmen flowering out even our National game Hockey is behind the curtain raised by Cricket and its limelight.
CM and education 
the education system started by Macaulay's minute to create Babus (clerks) in the persona of  black english who by colour was Indian but in taste English.the education is still more or less the similar and generating only the cog in machine.
Though what we discussed are both part of colonial legacy and colonial mentality but the to seek the fine distinction is not so fruitful effort.
When an individual has adopted the belief that the colonizer is superior to one’s heritage, and when one has already begun emulating the colonizer because of their alleged superiority, the colonized might begin to view the colonizer in a positive light.This very perception takes roots in social psychology which gradually organize and institutionalized.on the other hand the colonized forget the rich heritage of one's own.
To reinforce the sense of trust,faith and pride in one's own culture is of Leaders,educationist,religious gurus or reformers through breaking the walls of stiff dogmas and orthodoxy prevalent by reinterpreting the knowledge  and reason relevant to present context.
What our mass is forgetting that our spiritual acme is above all other civilizations.we are the people who teach and preach the world about ultimate and sacred goal of human life.We are far away from materialism ,what most of societies celebrate,in principle.practiced has to be changed.
Education reform may bring ideological change faster and in commensurate with the economic and political change.

We attempted a short essay but aim is to touch the maximum dimensions not to elaborate those .your feedback is needed to widen the horizon.

Friday, 10 January 2014

4. Science and technology is panacea for the growth and security of the nation(Essay-4)

Human civilization ever have its two main highly prioritized goals that is survival and progress.With the emergence of Nation state after 'Westphalian system' in connection with 'Westphalian Treaty'(1648) ,security became prime for survival and growth,a essential ingredient of progress( though vagueness in establishing a fine relation between the two is unavoidable).The concept of nation brought survival ,sovereignty and interest came to surface.
Security is protection of beings of nation from external invasion,natural calamities and disruption due to disintegrated/marginalised internal factors.
Growth/Development/ progress are concepts overlapped and considerably dependent/derived from each other.So no less fruitful efforts are needed to define these separately for our discussion.But progress or growth is definitely a move of any nation and society in a desired direction though the end is not contemplated in fine manner.
Though every era of Human civilization has its concerns of growth and security but this era of advanced S n T age is more anxious about its goals because of evolved sense of identity ,sovereignty and power.

An agency to facilitate the nation state more control over nature by making exploitation of natural resources easy and economically provide the knowledge about scope and opportunities and technology make it practically possible.more exploration of oceans,space and earth goes with the advancement of S n contribute in understanding natural phenomena and true nature of matter and its properties for various use in the path of modernization and progress.Technology transformed agrarian society into industrial society and further the information and communication technology converted industrial society into Knowledge has been prime key player in all these changes whether intrinsic or extrinsic.

Though growth (social,economic,political) demands S n T but this not a sufficient condition .Growth certainly is value laden not as much as development because meaning of  Growth is differed from one nation to another nation.Meaning of growth ,its targeted sector ,its pace and rhythm are provide by Nation's values.S n T is double edge sword it only act as facilitator only.It is neutral and can be used for growth and degrowth in action.antisocial elements can make use of it in their self serving narratives and against Nation any time.On the other hand,lack of management and control over S n T ,lack of social harmony,lack of political stability(anarchy) and political commitment,lack of effective economic plans and policy may cause havoc and disruption than construction.the world despite being stepped into information age where science and technology can easily be transferred in era globalization.There are still prevailing a wide disparities among nations that is least developed nations,developing nations and developed nations.there are some other agencies to complement the S n T ,those are natural resource availability,finance and capital availability,political order,stability and commitment.let us take a example for elaboration,Internet is available in developing countries but these countries are not able to harness its(internet) huge potential (as a wide digital divide prevails in these countries) due to various social in-capabilities like illiteracy,unaffordability,unawareness,lack of capacity  and know how to use information and channelize it for social good.
Besides all these factors if S n T play all its part good but it has its own constraints like it only promotes material growth.Is there are some other aspects of a nation' life or growth is end and holistic in itself?

(We can talk about the applied electronics by including some jargon like Proteomics, spintronics , nano electronics,robotics, super computing or any other ultra modern branch of S n T.Mentioning research work about god particle(Higgs Boson) we can relate science with unfolding mystery of nature/universe.)

Security of a Nation has two broad aspects/areas first,Internal and other National.When we define the security religiously then it have many types like food security ,energy security(Both comes under economic security ) and latest contemporary cyber security.
In internal security ,the security agency can fight against all odds  in complex differentiated modern society which works on the wheels of science and technology in all way of human life,only with the use of S n T arranged advanced arms ,weapons and other hardware.But before moving to curb terrorism,extremism,religion fundamentalism,communal riots and other man made disasters ,if we give a look to sociology of these problems then at least we can observe that these problems are created by overemphasis on material culture devoid of moral and spiritual aspects in era of S n T.So S n T has to take responsibility of this situation to a rational extent.
In National security,a nation is completely dependent on S n T for its territorial integrity and security.All aspects of territorial security air,land and water are secured by heavy automatic mass destruction weapons from simple bombs to inter continental ballistic missile.Nuclear technology is used for making nuclear Bombs to secure nation by nuclear Deterrence.

But all these way towards nation's security drags the nations for unending ,unhealthy,blind race of accumulating WMD's and Nukes.when S N T is itself part of problem then how can it be panacea for the security.No level of technological advancement is absolute rather it it comparative and can not guarantee security.If there is warfare between two nation at par with arms and arsenal capabilities then which agency will be deciding factor .Definitely it will be Human intellect,bravery and courage.Nation's security will be assured by a combination of military strength, diplomatic engagement, and economic success.

Modern Society sits on the platform of S n T from where it is being uplifted through advancement and enhancement of technology.This very change is synonymously used for Nation's growth and security when referred narrowly.but a nation's truly grow when its citizens grow healthily,economically,morally and spiritually.Security can be achieved by harmonious existence,understanding symbiotic relationship,inevitable inter dependency and collective cooperative security where S n T may not play a key role but other Human values complementary to it

Society/culture/Women empowerment related Terms-2

Women empowerment related Terms 
1. Against patriarchal sociocultural constraints- what a female      protagonist does(as parineeti chopra played in Shudh desi romance)

2. Romanticized institution of Marriage-drudgery of unending        housework(for modern educated women broadly)

3. dominated cultural value -as gradually equality becoming (because of gap between increased expectations and access to resources to fulfill them)

4. Certain construction of indianness/normative constructs of     indianness (like obsession with tradition sometimes lead to orthodoxy and obscurantism)

5. Neoliberal economic transformation/Economic liberalism

6. Gradual understanding of self and society(interpersonal communication like Mahatma Gandhi and J L Nehru and intrapersonal communication like Bhuddha and Aurobindo )

7. Reinvention of tradition( as a reaction to exogenous social change )  and growing militant orthodoxies 
8. Social stratification system/Social stratum(Existence of structured inequalities rooted in structure and function)
9. understand the dialectical relationship between the individual and society( like dialectical materialism-Karl Marx)
10. systemic and en-grained inequalities 
11. Structure: constructed frameworks and patterns of organisation
12. preponderant influence over decision making(Social factors over personal decisions)
13.something intrinsic and universal in Human nature ( lack on content life-may be but think over it)
14. Cooperation,competition and conflict are necessary and inherent ingredients of social life.
15. Division of labour : law of nature
                                    : Moral rule of Human conduct 
16. Common conscience and consciousness
17. More specialization in society leads to more inter-dependency(how ?)
18. interconnected whole(society)
19. growth of individualism and competition(when in what type of society and why )
20. Exaggerate the differences and gloss over similarities 
21. establishing causal relationships(rationalism)

22. societies: Exotic,barbaric and uncivilised (may be Non-european in 19th century ..but was it so)
23. first generation urban/literate/educated/professional
24. complex differentiated societies 
25. change is the only unchanging aspect of society or constant change most permanent feature 
26. sharp,sudden and total transformations (industrial revolutions)
27.  Legitimacy of privilege inherited 
28. Demands for new kind of knowledge
29. Gentrification: conversion of a low class neighbourhood into a middle upper class neighbourhood.
30. Physical and symbolic norms
31. self serving narrative 
32. Emergent contemporary conflict
33. Swelling tide of political opportunities of present 
34. complex interplay of forces 
35. Acute reality perceptions
36. cultural ecology of rituals and customs 
37. Gigantic ripples of change 
38. Encapsulated consciousness of culture 
39. Strategy of constructive reconciliation
40. Incompleteness of the acceptance 
41. Emotional Catharsis (alternate way to evaporate anger)
42. Social intercourse
43. commercial sexual exploitation
44. Couch one's business in the moral language of the performing the meritorious service of arranging marriages

polity phrases-1

Here we are collecting the terms which are hopefully useful for our any attempt of envisioned classic and neatly expressive essay
Polity Terms
1. Ideal of an egalitarian society
2. Like mindedness(In a group,caste,community,and nation
    Similar words-
    - commonness
    -social solidarity
    -sentiments of oneness
    -shared values/culture/heritage of memoirs 
3. Interpret/understand the word popular as it very popular in UPSC exam.
4. most favourite group of UPSC to ask about
    Underprivileged,disadvantaged,Economically poor section,lower strata of society,Deprived          section ,dominated or suppressed group,BPL,exclusioned group ,marginalised group except poor people(:
5. Think about Spiritual Democracy: Buddha
6. Exclusionist policy
7. Institutionalised religious domination
8. religiously grounded oppression,discrimination and exclusion
9. Complexity of Indian secularism
10. Inter religious toleration 
11. Intrinsic worth /value
12. personal Laws: manifestations of community specific rights (give a thought to each idea)
                               :manifestaions of intra religious domination 
                               :manifestaions of freedom from inter religious domination
13. Solution to an intractable problem: it may secularism for communalisation of society
14. Empirically false claim: as secularism it may seem
15. constitutional jurisprudence
16. Physical and symbolic violence
17. caste based institutional norms 
18. self serving narratives 
19. emergent contemporary conflict
20. swelling tide of political opportunism of present
21. complex interplay of forces 
22. acute reality perceptions 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

3.'Globalisation' vs nationalism

For  a infant mother is his world ,for a child his family is,for a a adolescent the space attached enlarges to accommodate friends,family ,relatives and community.For a adult nationalist  it becomes a nation with the spirit of nationalism.In the same way when we take a insight in the dynamics of the growth of human civilization,it has been changing from a discrete fragmented small primitive tribal societies to the division in nation state system. Now each unit of this system aspire,struggle and necessitate the phenomenon of Globalization(G) because of broadened outlook horizons of humans,increased needs of human life,emerged commonalities of problems and solutions with civilizational advancement.
Polarized and reinforced spirit of nationalism can modify the pace and alter it but the flow that globalization has is continuous and unstoppable and seems perpetual at least in near future.
What is globalization(just a brief capture no try to define or explain in vain)
-broadening ,deepening and speeding-up of  world inter connectedness
-ever existing phenomenon
- global shift towards a utopia that is globality
- a flow,a process 
- a counter wave is also generated against G  which is named as anti-G
what is nationalism (small para)
Nationalism is a belief, creed or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with, or becoming attached to, one's involves feeling and national identity.a nation is collective whole of its citizen having commonality of cultural heritage and belongingness. This feeling of common identity ,common culture ,common interest binds them emotionally and they show concern for each other which is nothing but spirit of Nationalism.
G vs nationalism(exaggerated differences and gloss over similarities)
G expect a global citizen of future as its prime constituent while each nation have its own citizens soaked in spirit of Nationalism.The 18th century shared civil rights ,19th century shared political rights recently the 20th century shared 
social rights and now nations's citizens  are also sharing cultural rights of living one's identity rooted in a particular cultural tradition.the celebration and protection of cultural identity itself in direction of Individualism throughout globe under current of G.
G want and try to bring homogenization and nationalism waves against it and assert a unique and separate identity.
G deny or at least put the sovereignty ,territory at back foot but sovereignty and national interest are deeply entrenched in nationalism.
nationalism seek its own interest in perpetuating the division of world in nations.
G results in erosion of state capacity ,that is ,sovereignty while nationalism reinforce or asserts government authority to do what it want to do.
G promotes free world trade and nationalism supports international or transnational trade within national interest.
under G cultural intermingling may lead to culture loss of which G has less concern.Nationalism try to revive cultural values at verge of extinction.nationalism even use culture and protection as its instrument to sustain.
G and family/social life: G widen the inter generational divide.It breaks the joint family into functional joint family and further it into nuclear family.Individual ability to experience oneself as reality weakening while nationalism find its own way of energizing self aware and self reflexive to reflect one's identity.
G demands harmony ,cooperation and mutual dependence and integration.
nationalism sometimes goes against integration and indulge itself in rivalry,competition and even conflict in name of self assertiveness,self identity and  self interest.
When nationalism include multiculturalism,diversity and tolerance then it is nothing but a small model of G.For our sake we can also assume nationalism a transition to G.
here we should talk about similarities between both and their harmonious feature and combined potentialities.

I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any- M K Gandhi and G
Your feedback or particularly criticism is most welcome and awaited.

2. Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses

One day one disciple came to his Guru in order to seek permission to leave education institute's premises considering his education is complete.He said "sir, i have read all the scriptures available to us and most of them i i move forward in life if my education is complete.Guru said "No,still you have to learn a lot.while other disciple came and questioned "sir,i read that all human accept the principle of equality.all religion preach equality.then why the inequality still prevail.Guru said"your education is complete your can move in your life as you wish".
Here we meant that to inculcate the habit to question with inquisitiveness and try to find out the answer reasonably and plausibly, is true education. 

This type of true education can bring egalitarian society. The practical reality comes from striving and doing efforts after a dreaming utopia.But how education works in realising equality in so unequal society in so many aspects like political, cultural, economic ,religious and social.

Education is wheel on which a progressive society celebrate its journey.Education provides and facilitate all kind of knowledge,skill,reason,wisdom,morality and is not information ,information is not knowledge ,knowledge is not understanding and understanding is not wisdom.But when this wisdom comprise morality and spirituality then it becomes education.

True Education is not only intellectual care but also care of hearts which builds a character in the man. Vivekananda said,"Character makes a man" and such kind of men makes a society free from social ills. when all men in a society have a pure character and spiritual strength then that society may realize extract of the utopia of egalitarianism. 

But a education which create a cog in machine or passive citizenry ,produce a race of dyspeptics,reinforce inequalities by restricting itself to particular elite or rich class, cannot be driver of principle of active collective conscience for egalitarian society.

Without compassion,empathy,morality and spiritual growth, It is in vain if we dream of a society which respects all its members equally and provide chance of a dignified and content life to all.

Education is increasingly becoming centric to the government's thinking in order to realize the desire for india's economic competitiveness in the globalized world. The orientation of this kind of policy is to create a mass producing "narrowly skilled" people with a limited vision of life and completely sold out to on promises of consumerist hedonism.Is that mass will be capable of understanding the equality and practicing it in real life in era of competitiveness.

How education will help to bring equality at various edges of social life. Education will create a sense of duty and responsibilities which further inculcate tolerance among social beings.The tolerant beings can better understand other fellow beings rights.The harmonious and symbiotic coexistence of all type of people and individuals with extreme diversities will be mantra of true education. 

Friction-less and a society devoid of disputes essentialize the equality at all domain.on the other hand,education will facilitate the lower or dominated group economic means and freedom.Economic freedom further promote Social and political freedom which is nothing but condition of equality(Amartya Sen).

The idea of reform and improvement comes from well education.The context centric thinking has a natural tendency to privilege status quo and in result make the change undesired.but education can change this way of thinking to make it more radical towards identifying problem and solving it courageously.
Contemporary educational system and reforms needed

In contemporary time .Education is being imparted in schools and colleges formally with certain specific curricula and syllabi which is just a miniature of education not whole.

In this formal education system only knowledge transfer and skill development(for professional growth) is emphasized. Though lacking in qualitative aspects ,still not accessible to a large section of society which is underprivileged.Welfare state can play a major role but having its own constraints and in capabilities.Then a need emerges where education itself inculcate value in beings of society to further promote it for the sake of collectiveness and community.

Constitution enshrines the right to education for all(children) but not implemented in letter and spirit.....

Without reforms education system can not play its role as contemplated.The aim of reforms should be such that it bring in children self learning agency to satisfy their curiosity instantly and fully,it generate a capacity among youth to control and channelize their bountiful energy for social good.every man after education evolve a complete personality with full physical,mental ,moral and spiritual growth.

More emphasis on self-learning by creating and facilitating conducive environment for the same ;Teachers and para-teachers must be trained to provide interactive learning with more contents of debate,dialogue, discussion and deliberation(4 -D's).All curricula must be situated in contexts and guided by ideals to explore all aspects of human personality in particular necessitate all round development

No society is egalitarian except in the past some ancient hunter-cum-gatherer societies .But even primitive society were not devoid of hierarchies(inequality). If we talk about to bring or make possible egalitarian society then it is journey towards it which is endless. Though end is contemplated but journey is for celebration itself which is necessity, desire, destiny and inevitability of human civilization. We have to and must strive for Egalitarianism because this is what we The humans, The thinking beings, are made for- improvement , development, progress year by year,day by day,movement by moment towards the ideal, for the dream.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

1. Does Indian Cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it

Cinema is mirror of society through which society can see itself of reflect/exhibit its own picture to external world.
Culture is a blanket which covers the society and weaved by the threads of materialistic attributes like clothing ,food habits,house city architecture and abstract attributes like social norms/values/customs/beliefs.Cinema is capable in reflecting the reality of society through schematisation and polarized themes(moral,economic or political) which is not easily perceived by masses or ignored at large .
Cinema not only characterize the reality of society but also helps to evaluate the existing social norms/values/customs/beliefs to built a capacity in the society for self analysis and thus supports it for self modification/correction(new shape). 

We heard a number of Hollywood inspire suffixes like Tollywood, Kollywood, Mollywood, Gollywood and Pollywood which are examples of various regional cinemas in India.Though India cinema cover all these forms of regional cinema but Bollywood that many people consider synonymous with Indian Cinema because of its large territorial extent and inter regional character.

Indian cinema have credit of release of maximum number of movies in the world.
Indian cinema reflect the popular culture of India in a melodramatic effect .By melodrama we means portrayal of extreme situations and actions ,overt villainy,persecution of good and final reward of virtues.

its extravagant expression that the world is governed by a moral order which is also central theme of Indian cultural philosophy that is 'Dharm ki hamesha jeet hoti hai'
our debate is to find out the intensity of cinemas impact for shaping the culture not to prove cinema's role in society which is already established.

First we divide the cinema into two parts regional and inter regional cinema (national broadly).Regional cinema mostly target the audience having regional and parochial outlook .so its display is also exhibit the values of a particular region.this type of cinema merely depict the deep entrenched social values of particular region and hardly try to introduce any theme contradicting to existing values.But whenever there is sense of change is probable and a passive acceptance ready to convert in overt admission ,cinema takes the lead particularly regional because of its deep understanding of culture of  concerned society.
Bollywood is watched throughout the India at large so it can better play the role of shaper of popular culture.Due to Bollywood's cultural intermingling role Bangra and Dandia are danced throughout India.Bollywood also inspired from Hollywood  or other international Cinema.It depicts the ultra modern values as central theme like mega city culture of lavish life ,cosmopolitan culture of individualism ,live-in partnerships ,homosexuality etc.this type of characterization have accountable impact on Indian youth.

Prime Minister Nehru who once stated, "...the influence in India of films is greater than newspapers and books combined.Cinema has become powerful vehicle for culture ,education,leisure and propaganda.cinema is wholly unique form of art where visual stimulation make you emotionally stable with leisure and entertainment. Highly accessible social art form, Cinema generally cuts across economic lines. At the same time, attending the cinema allows for the exercise of personal preferences and the human need for distinction.that is why its impact is much broader,deep and durable than other art forms.

For last more than 100 years Cinema has been shaping and reflecting Indian culture.Both culture and cinema influence each other .Cinema has been changing int its ethical motif with the changing conditions (Socio-politico and economic) and values of culture.
Culture and cinema communicate bidirectionally that is why cinema is always relevant and depicts the social reality through which it has been so popular among masses.
Let us have a look over changing portrayal of values by Cinema.
Before Independence:

Mythology and Strong Women were Dominant themes(Because of crisis of masculinity in political dominance-Ashis Nandy)

After Independence :
Three Themes parallels occupied the cinema,first the State Emblem(Courtroom portrayal); second,Rural Urban debate under confusion of what is modernisation ;third,East-West cultural Debate.Rajkapoor's movies showed the darkness of city life by Barsaat ki raat ,Awara and Sree 420.Manoj Kumar reinforced superiority of eastern culture and took Farmer and Fauji as central character to depict loyalty towards nation.Mother India prioritised the community life above any relation which was also the message of patriotism.Afterwards Diwar ,Agneepath were inspired from shattered dream of socialism and equality and showed how dominant class exploiting the masses and immune to social culpability.
1980's theme:
Ek duje ke liye,Love story and Qyamant se Qayamat tak tried to challange established values(regional,religious or class differences) in starting of liberal era.
After liberalistaion:
1. Disenchantmant with politics of urban middle particulary beacouse of their raised awareness and aspiration(Shool,Satya and Rang de Basanti) formerly personal values of politician targeted not of their being politician.
2. Celebration of business class(formely despised by masses)-Guru,Baazigar,Hum Aapke hain Kaun
3. Individual aspiration after state withdrawl and opening of economy(Bunty aur babli,Guru,3 Idiots)
4. Illegality considered as enterprise(Banty aur babli,Dhoom-2,Kaminey,Jannat)
5. Show off of India's spending power(Zindagi na Milegi Dobara,Ye Jawani hai Diwani) but portrayed loosened interpersonal bonds not as Sangam and Lalkaar depicted)

we should include here the Debate between commercial and art or parallel cinema.How can we use cinema for betterment of society and avoid sensationalism in cinema.Censor ship should work but society must be more tolerant. we can cite some recent examples of kamal haasan movie and shahrukh khan's or Aarakshan. 
At last Cinema is itself a part of culture like no marriage is complete without dancing on Bollywood songs.Our rituals includes playing of Bollywood made Aarati song..Electoral campaigning is done by patriot theme based songs..Disco culture though borrowed from west heavily dependent on latest Bollywood songs.