Here we are collecting the terms which are hopefully useful for our any attempt of envisioned classic and neatly expressive essay
Polity Terms
1. Ideal of an egalitarian society
2. Like mindedness(In a group,caste,community,and nation
Similar words-
- commonness
-social solidarity
-sentiments of oneness
-shared values/culture/heritage of memoirs
3. Interpret/understand the word popular as it very popular in UPSC exam.
4. most favourite group of UPSC to ask about
Underprivileged,disadvantaged,Economically poor section,lower strata of society,Deprived section ,dominated or suppressed group,BPL,exclusioned group ,marginalised group except poor people(:
5. Think about Spiritual Democracy: Buddha
6. Exclusionist policy
7. Institutionalised religious domination
8. religiously grounded oppression,discrimination and exclusion
9. Complexity of Indian secularism
10. Inter religious toleration
11. Intrinsic worth /value
12. personal Laws: manifestations of community specific rights (give a thought to each idea)
:manifestaions of intra religious domination
:manifestaions of freedom from inter religious domination
13. Solution to an intractable problem: it may secularism for communalisation of society
14. Empirically false claim: as secularism it may seem
15. constitutional jurisprudence
16. Physical and symbolic violence
17. caste based institutional norms
18. self serving narratives
19. emergent contemporary conflict
20. swelling tide of political opportunism of present
21. complex interplay of forces
22. acute reality perceptions
Polity Terms
1. Ideal of an egalitarian society
2. Like mindedness(In a group,caste,community,and nation
Similar words-
- commonness
-social solidarity
-sentiments of oneness
-shared values/culture/heritage of memoirs
3. Interpret/understand the word popular as it very popular in UPSC exam.
4. most favourite group of UPSC to ask about
Underprivileged,disadvantaged,Economically poor section,lower strata of society,Deprived section ,dominated or suppressed group,BPL,exclusioned group ,marginalised group except poor people(:
5. Think about Spiritual Democracy: Buddha
6. Exclusionist policy
7. Institutionalised religious domination
8. religiously grounded oppression,discrimination and exclusion
9. Complexity of Indian secularism
10. Inter religious toleration
11. Intrinsic worth /value
12. personal Laws: manifestations of community specific rights (give a thought to each idea)
:manifestaions of intra religious domination
:manifestaions of freedom from inter religious domination
13. Solution to an intractable problem: it may secularism for communalisation of society
14. Empirically false claim: as secularism it may seem
15. constitutional jurisprudence
16. Physical and symbolic violence
17. caste based institutional norms
18. self serving narratives
19. emergent contemporary conflict
20. swelling tide of political opportunism of present
21. complex interplay of forces
22. acute reality perceptions
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