
Thursday, 23 January 2014

7. Globalisation and its impact on Indian culture

Define globalization in 100 words (refer essay-3)
G itself is manifestation of changes taking place in every so society and culture in the world due to rapid and increased interaction among all cultures.The regular addition and subtraction of cultural traits results in culture change. All cultures change over time--none is static. However, the rate of change and the aspects of culture that change varies from society to society.Culture inherently have diverse modes of thinking and living ,diverse modes of creative activity,diverse modes of social intercourse ,diverse modes of recreation,diverse tastes and diverse hobbies.Differences of cultural expression are in themselves and apart from external coercion not subject to necessity of coordination in single system.So the culture is by nature pluralistic. G only support pluralistic characteristics of culture to expand and proliferating in more acceptable ways by facilitating the plethora of choices in every domain of cultures of the world.
What is culture 
culture have two aspects material culture and abstract culture(non material culture).Material culture consist of clothing,fashion,housing,food,cuisine ,language,communication devices etc. Non-material culture includes the behaviour, ideas, norms, values, and beliefs that contribute to a society's overall culture.All things we bring into existence because we want them as such ,something that we crave after or think we need.they represent ways in which we express ourselves for example typewriter has a utilitarian order so belongs to civilization but novel produced by it falls into cultural order.They respond to a necessity within us ,not to an outer necessity.This is realm of values ,of styles,of emotional attachments,of intellectual adventures.
G and Changing India's material Culture 
Indian urban society already has transformed in its outlook and clothing like T-shirt,jeans,party wears are replacing traditional wear cotton Dhoti,Sarees and suits.These changes are moderately visible in village areas.
People's food habit are shifting to packaged food .Some kind of packaged food is indigenised even like milk and milk products,packaged atta,spices and cooking oil.Road sides eateries are serving Omelette and cutlets which is European style.
Transportation is in line with global trend .Major cities gradually developing its rapid bus corridors ,metro rail network and other mass transit systems.
Communication is both cause and effect of G .India has emerged one of the leading nation in indigenising the latest technology of Information and communication technology .
Education is now more accessible and open under G.Global international schools ,Exchange programs with foreign schools and universities ,Foreign university campuses.
list is unexhaustive so we will try to condense here
When two value laden variables interacts ,if one loose its identity then it is not desirable and good for its perspective. Integration of both with retaining their  individual identity is common good.Though some perceived changes are not a direst threat to India's few people says that Burger is threat to South Indian Dosa and north India samosa then it is misinterpreted.A burger can not take place of Dosa or Samosa in real sense.
G and changing India's Non material Culture 
The stream of norms , beliefs ,customs  and ideas in any culture flows from Socio-politico and economic  life and changes with the change in any of these aspects.
Norms and customs are loosening significance in their original tone but reinforced with a slightly different form.Like at Diwali ,chain of  electric bulbs taking place of the traditional deeps.At large the whole way of life is changing not only in urban India but also in rural areas.
Religion gradually restricting to individual faith excepting some sporadic religious fundamentalist currents.people are emerging as more tolerant religiously .Rituals weakening and loosening their space in fast competitive life under G.Due to G religion is continuously restricting to individualism and people despite of any religious belongingness resorting to similar way of life.Now religion is not dominating to prescribe the domestic chores ,profession and other aspects of life.under capitalism ,market is now deciding factor what had been arena of religion and community throughout ate human civilization largely.Abstract part of culture like ideas are becoming more spontaneous and fast to bring change .Change and other dynamic part of life is becoming more necessary ,acceptable and appreciable under discourse of G.ideas of change spreading in society and covering its subjects without distinction.though values are not he same but what is desirable is also  value laden and expressed by priorities and and necessities of the people of concerned culture.
G and changing rural India 
In rural areas land and agriculture is above means of livelihood.But due to corporatisation of agriculture ,feminisation of agriculture ,Contract farming etc. are deeply pervaded in the agriculture.Social inequalities in rural are reducing but economic inequalities are increasing in the similar way as in the Urban.Rural youth now no longer want to pursue agriculture and aspires to do White collar Jobs.Not only the highly educated youth is migrating from rural but lower and middle level educated youth finds him in the same traps of expectations and desires of scintillating urban life.They even don't know that low skilled jobs can not give them what they want in Urban.I urban people do not enjoy work,and see it as something they have to do only in order survive,and even that survival comes at the stake of calm,serene and peaceful community life(in rural).
Is the change/impact on culture progressive (conclusion)
Indian of 21st century shares more features with China or the US that it shares with 19th century India.So what we can conclude about this change,is it progressive for India which we can never say with certainty.progress ,in absolute sense ,which means cultural progress,remains a matter of faith.The facts as we know them and particular conception we constructs with them depends on our agreeable and acceptable worthwhileness which is coming.And no matter what standards we accepts ,we find an ebb and flows,a lack of certitude about the move of culture.What we acquire of the culture of the present or of the past depends on what we are and the role of G can be restricted to facilitator and not seeker of change.Certainly we are bound by some imperative necessities of era of G but it is always true that a new generation cannot enjoy the greater cultural achievements of the past unless they win it afresh for themselves.thus we should leave the authority of decision to alter the flow of impacts of currents of G on new generation in their favour according to their tastes and necessities although we can not forget the umbrella of cumulative wisdom we earned in the journey of our great culture and civilization.  

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