
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

21. “For a Bright Future, India Needs Economic Patriotism and Techno-nationalism”

We, as a nation, have a dream, vision and goal of all encompassing sustainable development which fulfil all citizens’ social, economic and political and cultural needs and expectations. Our leaders of freedom struggle had a dream, founding fathers of our constitution had a vision and before current political leadership there is a set goal, what is common among all is nothing but our bright future-a developed India. What should be done is topic of debate and discussion in political landscape with different inputs by bureaucrats, economists, businessmen, social scientists, philosopher, common man and others. The 18th and 19th centuries are witness of industrial revolution based on technology innovation which brought rapid growth and gave impetus to overall development of some European countries, Japan, US and others. Thus that era was related economic and techno-nationalism or chauvinism at extreme. Though we know in that era the rapid development in colonial powers depended on other factors like colonialism and imperialism. Now the similar zeal and efforts are needed for India to be developed. The economic independency and prosperity supplemented and complemented by technology advancement and prowess. The intellectuals have consensus that both are needed but differ in the extent and emphasis of economic pursuance and technology advancement.

What is economic patriotism and why it is required for bright future?
The love for one’s country through showing respect, trust, confidence and likings for national economy, its structure, its functions and produce. Is economic-patriotism is demand for this time only, does not it required normally as a duty by country’s citizen. Our economy is not going through very good time in terms of trade, stability, capital investment etc. The broadening current account deficit showing that we are more dependent on foreign goods like Chinese dumping practices and exports than local goods which is major economic concern. The inflation causing interest rate high, consequentially low economic growth due to low capital investments. We are welcoming foreign capital and investment to fill the gap created by lack of local investment. The recent ‘make in India’ slogan is showing the unquenchable thrust for foreign direct investment. That is why a demand of patriotism is showcased by intellectuals to Indians so that they save to invest, purchase local manufactured good, and do more efforts to curb inflation. Inflation can be speculator, aided by black marketing and hoarding in which citizens have major role to play to check such inflationary practices. The vision of Indian government of financial inclusion can only be realised by citizen’s initiative filled by love for country with trust in banking infrastructure.
Why techno-nationalism?
Though the spirit related to nationalism have been changing in content and context historically. But, at large, it is severe and more intense than patriotism at any time. This is directing, attached with technology, towards technological revolution or atleast radical innovation in techno arena. The role of technocrats, scientists should be energetic, robust and vigorous. The contribution of ISRO in world space market, automobile and other manufacturing sector to reap the benefit of demographic dividend by providing and absorbing blue collar workers. The FMCG sector has vast potential and large market which can make ‘Make in India’ vision realised. The government plans and schemes like NIMZ, SEZ, NANO cities, Industrial corridors and Smart City concept, all are waiting techno-nationalism.
How both are interrelated?

The economy with a ride on advanced technology will be promise to bright future and prosperity. Without technological innovation, less efficient way of growth will cause natural resources exploitation and consequently all development will be unsustainable. To compete with other advanced nations of the world ,we need international standards in technology.

20. Indian Middle class-harbinger of modernisation

Conceptual Framework as introduction:
Without having a clear understanding of middle class, its composition, true characteristics ,extent of homogeneity ,group psychology and its contemporary ideological orientation  ,We are not able to reach at any conclusion whether they  adopting ,adapting and promoting modernization. Who consist Indian middle class is primarily most challenging question before us to start a debate whether this particular class is harbinger of modernization, engendering modernity indigenous or only imitating any western or other specific model of so called modernity.In this way, we will also able to answer" are differences within the middle class ,in income ,education ,and cultural and social capital,so wide as to render moot any ideological or behavioral coherence to this group. 
What Indian middle class consist of?
The recent development debate of India brought the middle class in limelight and it became cliché in media, intellectual arena, political landscape and in free market advertising agenda. Though till now, middle class delimitation criterion is still enclosed behind vagueness. Even Concept of class is evolving and changing from time of Marx, Weber, and J. Schumpter to Dahrendorf. In the same manner, Indian middle class is also changing in its composition and characteristics from pre independence to post independence. In India, Middle class is not a homogeneous group. Broadly it can be divided in Rural Middle class and Urban Middle class.
we are triggering a very robust debate over who in India actually belongs to the "middle class". its size,composition ,and political and social behavior.This debate with serious implications for economic growth and governance since a range of scholarship in diverse settings has shown that the middle class is an important driver of a country's economic ,political and social development.To find out the middle class ,we can rely on a concept of self identification of class status.whether Indians actually believe and behave if they are part of middle class.Self identification as middle class is expectedly more prevalent in Urban but the share of rural individuals claiming to be middle class is also remarkably high.Three structural changes occurring in India -service sector led economic growth, rapid expansion of urbanization and higher education- are undoubtedly resulting in a massive expansion of the middle class,however defined.The political  and social consequences will depend on whether this middle class emerges simply as a social formation or as a self conscious political force ,whether progressive or possibly even reactionary.
In rural India, it consists of moderate land owners to working class in Urban areas. In urban, we can include Blue collar workers, public sector employees, small business men, services sector employees called white collar working group in middle class. This middle class possess educational and technical qualifications. Occupational functions and employment status are significant criterion. In pre independence era, the newly formed middle class was very assertive, intellectual, champion of freedom struggle and protagonist for social reforms. Now, the members of this class are cultural entrepreneurs leading a project of self-fashioning.
Indian middle class: self-appointed spearhead of modernity
If modernity have historical and conceptual closeness with westernisation, then Indian middleclass has gone far to adopt and spread the modernisation discourse despite all heterogeneity, internal differences and contrast. This class is adopting western values and culture unambiguously and has became cheerleader of westernisation specifically in urban. This class is moving towards homogenous lifestyle like similar food habits, domestic chores, festival celebration. The prime reason is of availability of similar variety and quality of products marketed by the same media throughout the country.Westernisation, macdonalisation and coca-colisation are few terms given to the concerned phenomenon.inspite of different customs and traditions regionally among the members of middle class, We can see commonality of belief and ideology. The convergence of beliefs lies in similar educational and job aspiration and marriage alliances. The ideology convergence is visible like consumer culture.A blind faith in new products, brands and variety of products which leads to purchase for the sake of purchase. The consumer also attach his personality with the latest updated market products under consumerism.the same ideology compel one and his class to redefine modernity in terms external make up of body with trendy clothing and products,use of latest technology electronics items,travel in advanced transport system.but if this is not  modernity then what it is?
What is modernity?how it is in contrast with modernsm?
Universalism, achievement and individualism trinity encompasses the modernity which is in sharp contrast with modernism.Self identity is at center stage of modernity and class or community identity is at back stage when we discuss modernity. The most real being, the human being is at its essence. The harnessing of the potential of free culture is core agenda under modernity. Here we can recall, if class identity, solidarity and consciousness make the middle class then definitely it is contradiction with modernity.under modernity,the complusiveness of repetition disappears.this allows the individuals to negotiate about conditions of social relations,norms and ethics. Tradition no longer constitutes the basis of individuals’s decisions and actions. Modernity is a free and open environment conducive to multidimensional growth of individual personality with independent thinking and abundance of life opportunities.In nutshell ,individual become ,with modern outlook,lessreliant on tradition and express one’s views drawn from personal experiences and judgement.he needs privacy equally though have a democratic,fair and non-discriminatory attitude. After summarising traits of modernity we are ready to find these in middle class.
How middle class goes in different direction which not reaching to modernity?
-          Conservative and narrow utilitarian ethos with nostalgia of community life
-          Do not respect individual rights
-  Narcissitic characteristics and superiority complex ( ex: deliberate cheerfull faces on social  media,hinglish speaking tendency)
-          Still not a class and under process of formation with unclear direction
-          Propagate multiculturalism but discomfort during interacting with alien cultural values and ethos
-          Trapped in high expectations and limited resources conundrum and affected with underlying frustration of struggle full life
-          Imitative rather than creative and independent in thinking (consumer culture)
-          Rightist ideology- seen by whole world in new parliamentary election when this class voted in favour of  right wing party negotiating with secularism for a shortcut to development ,which is more dreamy than actual.
Few examples where it fails
1.      Article 377
2.      Universal civil code.
3.      Communal riots
4.      No equal status to women-patriarchal mindset
-    Negligent of problem and lack of awareness of underdevelopment of peripheral states like J & K , North east . AFSPA still prevalent in these states.

Conclusion: waiting for your feedback

Sunday, 23 November 2014

19.Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind

What is science and religion where the two meets?
Science is an unbeatable effort of man, invincible desire and utopian conception to order the nature in his theories, ideas and concepts. He wants to comprehend the nature for its current behavioral and phenomenal understanding and future prediction so that he can use and exploit the nature and its resources for civilizational survival and progress. The rational and scientific approach is outcome of human’s inclination towards rationality to overcome his awe, fear and ignorance of the world.
Religion ,very abstract, have definitional range from personal faith ,collective Conscience, ideological interpretation for social groups, means to sacred way of life for some individual to path to salvation and heaven for others. Religion is subjective as religious enlightenment has to be felt by one's own experience. Unless and until religious experience is felt by an individual himself, he cannot reap any pleasure out of it. The moral and religious rules are allied and have to be followed by individuals in appropriate ethical situations. It is being viewed as false consciousness and illusion by Marx. Whatsoever, but it is reflection of social reality as seen empirically. Objective observation and subjective understanding of society tell that religion is necessity of human life.Religious truths remain essentiality the property of the individuals who experience and realize them through their own inward soul and mind and not through the external manifestation of things which have a physical behavior
Both science and religion are integral parts of human life expresses external and internal aspects, moreover two side of same coin. Thought there are some differences between which can be outline to show contrasting ideas. Science deals with the world that we know the material world that is comprehended by the senses: religion is concerned with a supra-mundane world - a world that we cannot be said to know. Science believes in things that can be proved: religion is preoccupied with ideas that have to be accepted without proof. Science depends on reasons: religion on intuition. According to common perception, a huge gulf exists between science and religion. Apparently, no doubt, science deals with things concrete, whereas religion is based upon abstract ideals. Science implies fact, religion involves faith. Religion is basically a matter of instinct and science that of reason. But these are the broad characteristics of science and religion which have meeting places also-and the first meeting place is in the human mind and nature themselves.
When one talks about two apparently divergent things like science and religion or other seemingly opposite things. one has to keep in mind the complexity of human nature. Its very complexity demands influences from antithetical ideas and makes their co-existence nec­essary as well as feasible.

What science brought to world and religion added value to it
But so long as scientific knowledge is imperfect, the place of religion and God will continue to be highly relevant. So long as scientific theories do not reach perfection, humans have to fall back upon their own reasoning and secondary -'powers of their own soul and spirit
Weapons and fight over resources aided by technological advancement. Greed cannot be satisfied –religion is the answer for human satisfaction. Inequalities and deprivation prevailing in society – economic advancement led by science and technology have doubtful solution. Science taught the humans about rationalization and thus he did institutionalization of society. It made and surfaced the psychological impotency of human society. Man considers medical treatment to healthcare, social work to community welfare, police protection to safety, military poise to security and rat race to productive work.
Faith in each other, trust, and harmonic interdependence based on morality, if not inculcated by religion, then atleast supported. Universalization of expectations by spread of science but limited resources led to new alienation among young where religion can be solution sought for. Cognitive paradigms which have been prism to see the world are ever changing due to change led by science. But religion is the telescope through which we saw the world similar beyond time and space thus minimal shocks in case of structural change in society. Also science is not able to answer the fundamental questions of the mystery of life and death and the incalculability of events. The scientist can say that the universe developed from a primeval atom but what made them coagulate into the universe we know. Science fails to answer the question of the `First Cause'. It is here that man and even a scientist has to fall back upon the idea of God and religion. In fact, science alone cannot give peace and happiness to mankind. Science must be allied to religion. Science makes man materialistic, but religion upholds his faith in God, in the higher and spiritual values of life.

Value addition by science to religion
Currents of transformation in society and social change have been common phenomenon throughout human history. Science have been leading and major factor and contributor of this transformation. Science reconstructs the society and changes the religious tone by conquering the prejudices, illusion, dogmas and illogical customary rituals. Science purifies the religion and forces it towards spirituality. Yoga and meditation are half science and half religion. If at any time religion became blind then empiricism and rationalism from science and philosophy became eyes of religion. Scientific truths, on the other hand, become the property of the whole world and go to inflate the store-house of human knowledge.

As a matter of fact, today we know clearly that the animosity between the two is not-very substantial. The pyramids of ancient Egypt evoke both religious reverence and also the admiration of engineers. Roger Bacon, the inventor of gunpowder, believed in alchemy. Copernicus dedicated his famous book to the Pope. Mendel was a monk by profession. And Einstein remarked that a great scientific discovery was a matter of religious insight.
Outwardly religion and science are the two opposite poles of man's consciousness. But the two do not necessarily repel each other. The meeting point is in the mind of man. Religion without science degenerates into superstition, while science without the help of religion gives rise to materialism and lack of faith. Science, to speak the truth, has only purified religion, whereas religion has given a touch of beauty and mystery to science. The discoveries of science and its conquest of Nature only show the wonders of the Supreme Being. Thus science strengthens the work of religion. A true scientist is not an unbeliever or irreligious person, but a real admirer of God and His wonderful creations. What the superstitious man worships blindly, the scientists worships as the fruit of his knowledge. Hence modern scientists have come to know not only the limitations of science but have given a better understanding of miracles of Nature and the wonders of the Creator.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

18. India needs Smart Villages, not Smart Cities

          In intellectual Landscape, our topic seems to derived from contemporary debate of development which is most opinionated but ambiguous, unclear and seems  near irresolvable. Policymakers are trying hard  to find out most effective, economical and way easy to implement the policies. People are desperate to see progress in state’s effort for development and role of other stakeholders is under scanner of public. In policy making, set goal is value orientation of popular will. But policy makers cannot neglect one sector or the other by arguing that the particular model of development is priority at the expense of other. At least when governance and development are interdependent and complete whole. Development cannot be segregated and compartmentalized. It is value driven process of which targets can be smart villages or smart cities or both.

           India need smart villages as its 68 % population is living in rural areas but this fact does not indicate towards the less importance of urban development which is, in recent, rapid and uncontrolled phenomenon. Urban and rural patterns are integral part of our nation’s landscape. Both ways of life are struggling and demanding for improvement, quality enhancement and betterment desperately. On one side poverty, unemployment and lack of other earning opportunities , lack of sanitation and unhygienic living conditions, lack of health , education and other infrastructure . While on the side, Cities are marred by proliferating slums and related urban crisis. The model of paranoid optimist can suggest one either smart village or smart city. Recently ,government of India adopted the Saansad adarsh Gram Yojana and smart city model as complementary to each other.

          Prior policy of government was to provide the all amenities to rural people through centrally sponsored plans like Bharat Nirman which incorporate  Rural water supply, Electrification under Rajiv Gandhi Gram Vidyudtikaran Yojana,rural Roads,Rural housing, Rural telephone connectivity. Apart from this Integrated watershed development programme, MNREGA, National rural Livelihood mission, National Rural heath mission, JSY, ICDS, SSA,and many more.

            The government failed to integrate schemes and plans for holistic development of rural areas ,atleast at implementation part if not at policy level.In cities,one fourth population is living in slums.No more facts are needed to support the poverty stricken,underprivileged,crisis ridden urban life in spite of so much compartmentalized schemes for urban households like Indira Awas Yojana, national shahari swarozgar yojana , Anganwadi and many more.

              Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (Parliamentarian’s Model Village Scheme) mandates each Parliamentarian is mandated to adopt three rural villages and ensure that these villages are transformed into ‘Smart Villages’ by 2019. Rural Development Ministry presents a holistic vision of development in which model villages are connected to the internet and where all households have access to clean water, sanitation and low-carbon energy. Furthermore, model villages will be backed up by the provision of basic amenities that are often only available in urban areas, and a social security system. First, these model villages have no follow up example.  The detailed guidelines for implementation are needed. Since this is particularistic model for each smart village. When we compare it with existing Growth centres and growth pole model of regional development and anticipated centrifugal positive effects, we see most of the industrial growth centres are in naxalite affected areas like Jamshedpur,  Bhilai , Durgapur, Secundrabad etc. Increased regional imbalances and inequalities can be resultant of such a development model.

Monday, 10 November 2014

17.India’s Internal Security Challenges – Evolution, Nature and State’s Responses

                            As india evolved independent ,sovereign democratic state though prior it as responsibility of the colonial power.Inter security is not limited to protect territory,sovereignty of nation but also to provide its people peaceful,secure and harmonious environment so that its citizens led a life to full of their potential without a threat ,danger or any kind of fear internally or externally.
            Historical: communal forces under garb of religious fundamentalism or ethnic purity ,regionalism, extremism like LWE or Naxalism.
    Prevailing inequalities, uneven distribution of limited resources polarisation of classes and
Contemporary: cyber attacks, polycentric world and India a leading country to challenge great power hegemony, economic crisis and its various manifestations like black money issue.
Internal threat perception and their nature: vulnerability to internal security lies in multi ethnic, multireligious diverse society which is also India’s strength. To prevent to become the strength into weakness describe its intricate and distinctive character.
Threat comes from none other than small neighboring countries affected by “big brother Syndrome”. Porous and undemarcated border, international river water disputes.
India in a polarizing world under larger discourse of globalisation seeking its deserving position in polycentric world. Great powers are wary of India’s role so retaliating to check India’s growth of its power and position. They are posing threat to our security in various way like diplomatic defeat,boundary disputes,aiding and supporting infiltration and anti-national elements,
Economic hegemonic stance by rivalry countries like US,china dumping in indian economy,financial market manipulation,economic diplomacy.
Indian is surrounded by nuclear capable countries.So nuclear deterrence is crucial nature of our security concern.
Indian has long coastal line.Terrorist activities can be carried out through this route which is most vulnerable.

Conflict resolution machinery:
Judiciary: pending cases, injustice to masses
Constitution: Article 352,360,356, centre state relation-unitary stance
Various acts and statutory laws: TADA, POTA, UAPA, AFSPA, NSA


Sunday, 9 November 2014

16. How to end the Violence ?

Framework (parawise):
1.   Relation of violence and Human civilization
2.   Questioning to ourselves related to our failure to end violence
3.   Understanding of violence
4.   Violence and  its various characteristics at hierarchical level of human world
5.    What we have done to end it
6.    Causes of failure and what we should do in future
7.   Holistic approach worldwide to end the violence
Human civilization has been the manifestation, victim and evidence of violence throughout the human history. Largely, violence is being seen with wielding of power and its expression. Ancient and medieval period of human history is evident of mass scale wars and struggle for power of which violence played instrumental role. Various spiritual being like Buddha, Jesus, Mahavira, Mohammad and Mahatma Gandhi and   defined violence and gave message of non-violence to humanity from time to time. But violence is still present in its most dangerous and hovering over the world invincibly.
                        We need not prove that the violence free world is common consensus of all humans, societies, nations and religions. It is required to question why we are failed and even vanquished before violence and its different manifestation.We tried wholeheartedly then what factors impeded or stopped us to do that our faulty approach, superficial efforts, our lack of understanding or misinterpretation regarding violence caused failure .If we all want to eliminate violence from the world then who is stopping us to do so. Should we conclude that violence is undetachable part of human life and human society?
                       Concept of Duality tells that if there is harmonies then there will violence.Everthing comes in a package. When human defined the harmony, consensus, and solidarity then automatically defined the opposites disharmony, conflict, disintegration and segregation.Human being is also social being .Being is a product of nature, history, geography, culture and consciousness. Consciousness of human makes him social being. The relationship, interaction and interpersonal behavior is imperative part among social beings .Though social being is deliberate form of human being, yet imperfect and far from ideal. We are society but in a progressive way, under process not an end product. In practical world, these very imperfections are the cause of negative values, ills in society. Violence is one of the imperfection prevailing in nonideal human society.Desire, expectations, self interest, domination, self survival are basic instincts of humans. Among these, domination and survival are animal instinct which sometimes suppresses the individual and his goodness and cause violence physical expression, otherwise mental, there is every now and then animal instinct of man do violence. When man live in society then conflicts are unavoidable. Self interest and desires of human being bring him to in conflict with fellow being. It is conflict of interest, rivalry, lack of consensus, desire to dominate or power projection over others is some of driving factors of violence. Actually, violence is use of physical force intended to kill, damage or overpower someone. It can be expressed against man or animal.
                         Violence is all pervasive at family, community, regional, national, international and global level. What are the causes of violence? Violence has some ideological background or some values underpinning. At family level, patriarchal and personal values are in conflict with intimate member. At regional level, fundamentalism, communalism, linguism, regionalism, terrorism etc. At national and international level chauvinism, ultra nationalism, fundamentalism, terrorism and extremism in its various manifestations. Violence bring violence, it means if the violence is countered by violence then instead of being curbing we lit uncontrolled fire of violence. The world has seen mass destruction and holocaust of two world wars and several civil wars ,terrorist activities ,ethnic conflicts with widespread violence .The latest technology and development of science has aided the agencies practicing violence for mass killings, damage and destruction with the WMD’s ,biological weapons, automatic small arms in bulk, nuclear weapons etc.We at societal level have good human values, social sanctions,legal laws, security agencies and at higher level spirituality and a eternal and universal desire for peace and harmony. But violence still persists and sometimes overpowers all human efforts to check it. At international and global level, a number of treaties are done for non proliferation of arms and disarmament, formation of United Nations for world peace and cooperation but a measurable check of violence is still far distant dream. It is not our failure but half hearted efforts which failed to bring desired results. The root cause behind violation is inequalities, uneven distribution of limited resources, human greed and blind follow up of materialism consumerism, unending desire to comfort and accumulation.