
Monday, 10 November 2014

17.India’s Internal Security Challenges – Evolution, Nature and State’s Responses

                            As india evolved independent ,sovereign democratic state though prior it as responsibility of the colonial power.Inter security is not limited to protect territory,sovereignty of nation but also to provide its people peaceful,secure and harmonious environment so that its citizens led a life to full of their potential without a threat ,danger or any kind of fear internally or externally.
            Historical: communal forces under garb of religious fundamentalism or ethnic purity ,regionalism, extremism like LWE or Naxalism.
    Prevailing inequalities, uneven distribution of limited resources polarisation of classes and
Contemporary: cyber attacks, polycentric world and India a leading country to challenge great power hegemony, economic crisis and its various manifestations like black money issue.
Internal threat perception and their nature: vulnerability to internal security lies in multi ethnic, multireligious diverse society which is also India’s strength. To prevent to become the strength into weakness describe its intricate and distinctive character.
Threat comes from none other than small neighboring countries affected by “big brother Syndrome”. Porous and undemarcated border, international river water disputes.
India in a polarizing world under larger discourse of globalisation seeking its deserving position in polycentric world. Great powers are wary of India’s role so retaliating to check India’s growth of its power and position. They are posing threat to our security in various way like diplomatic defeat,boundary disputes,aiding and supporting infiltration and anti-national elements,
Economic hegemonic stance by rivalry countries like US,china dumping in indian economy,financial market manipulation,economic diplomacy.
Indian is surrounded by nuclear capable countries.So nuclear deterrence is crucial nature of our security concern.
Indian has long coastal line.Terrorist activities can be carried out through this route which is most vulnerable.

Conflict resolution machinery:
Judiciary: pending cases, injustice to masses
Constitution: Article 352,360,356, centre state relation-unitary stance
Various acts and statutory laws: TADA, POTA, UAPA, AFSPA, NSA


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