
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

20. Indian Middle class-harbinger of modernisation

Conceptual Framework as introduction:
Without having a clear understanding of middle class, its composition, true characteristics ,extent of homogeneity ,group psychology and its contemporary ideological orientation  ,We are not able to reach at any conclusion whether they  adopting ,adapting and promoting modernization. Who consist Indian middle class is primarily most challenging question before us to start a debate whether this particular class is harbinger of modernization, engendering modernity indigenous or only imitating any western or other specific model of so called modernity.In this way, we will also able to answer" are differences within the middle class ,in income ,education ,and cultural and social capital,so wide as to render moot any ideological or behavioral coherence to this group. 
What Indian middle class consist of?
The recent development debate of India brought the middle class in limelight and it became cliché in media, intellectual arena, political landscape and in free market advertising agenda. Though till now, middle class delimitation criterion is still enclosed behind vagueness. Even Concept of class is evolving and changing from time of Marx, Weber, and J. Schumpter to Dahrendorf. In the same manner, Indian middle class is also changing in its composition and characteristics from pre independence to post independence. In India, Middle class is not a homogeneous group. Broadly it can be divided in Rural Middle class and Urban Middle class.
we are triggering a very robust debate over who in India actually belongs to the "middle class". its size,composition ,and political and social behavior.This debate with serious implications for economic growth and governance since a range of scholarship in diverse settings has shown that the middle class is an important driver of a country's economic ,political and social development.To find out the middle class ,we can rely on a concept of self identification of class status.whether Indians actually believe and behave if they are part of middle class.Self identification as middle class is expectedly more prevalent in Urban but the share of rural individuals claiming to be middle class is also remarkably high.Three structural changes occurring in India -service sector led economic growth, rapid expansion of urbanization and higher education- are undoubtedly resulting in a massive expansion of the middle class,however defined.The political  and social consequences will depend on whether this middle class emerges simply as a social formation or as a self conscious political force ,whether progressive or possibly even reactionary.
In rural India, it consists of moderate land owners to working class in Urban areas. In urban, we can include Blue collar workers, public sector employees, small business men, services sector employees called white collar working group in middle class. This middle class possess educational and technical qualifications. Occupational functions and employment status are significant criterion. In pre independence era, the newly formed middle class was very assertive, intellectual, champion of freedom struggle and protagonist for social reforms. Now, the members of this class are cultural entrepreneurs leading a project of self-fashioning.
Indian middle class: self-appointed spearhead of modernity
If modernity have historical and conceptual closeness with westernisation, then Indian middleclass has gone far to adopt and spread the modernisation discourse despite all heterogeneity, internal differences and contrast. This class is adopting western values and culture unambiguously and has became cheerleader of westernisation specifically in urban. This class is moving towards homogenous lifestyle like similar food habits, domestic chores, festival celebration. The prime reason is of availability of similar variety and quality of products marketed by the same media throughout the country.Westernisation, macdonalisation and coca-colisation are few terms given to the concerned phenomenon.inspite of different customs and traditions regionally among the members of middle class, We can see commonality of belief and ideology. The convergence of beliefs lies in similar educational and job aspiration and marriage alliances. The ideology convergence is visible like consumer culture.A blind faith in new products, brands and variety of products which leads to purchase for the sake of purchase. The consumer also attach his personality with the latest updated market products under consumerism.the same ideology compel one and his class to redefine modernity in terms external make up of body with trendy clothing and products,use of latest technology electronics items,travel in advanced transport system.but if this is not  modernity then what it is?
What is modernity?how it is in contrast with modernsm?
Universalism, achievement and individualism trinity encompasses the modernity which is in sharp contrast with modernism.Self identity is at center stage of modernity and class or community identity is at back stage when we discuss modernity. The most real being, the human being is at its essence. The harnessing of the potential of free culture is core agenda under modernity. Here we can recall, if class identity, solidarity and consciousness make the middle class then definitely it is contradiction with modernity.under modernity,the complusiveness of repetition disappears.this allows the individuals to negotiate about conditions of social relations,norms and ethics. Tradition no longer constitutes the basis of individuals’s decisions and actions. Modernity is a free and open environment conducive to multidimensional growth of individual personality with independent thinking and abundance of life opportunities.In nutshell ,individual become ,with modern outlook,lessreliant on tradition and express one’s views drawn from personal experiences and judgement.he needs privacy equally though have a democratic,fair and non-discriminatory attitude. After summarising traits of modernity we are ready to find these in middle class.
How middle class goes in different direction which not reaching to modernity?
-          Conservative and narrow utilitarian ethos with nostalgia of community life
-          Do not respect individual rights
-  Narcissitic characteristics and superiority complex ( ex: deliberate cheerfull faces on social  media,hinglish speaking tendency)
-          Still not a class and under process of formation with unclear direction
-          Propagate multiculturalism but discomfort during interacting with alien cultural values and ethos
-          Trapped in high expectations and limited resources conundrum and affected with underlying frustration of struggle full life
-          Imitative rather than creative and independent in thinking (consumer culture)
-          Rightist ideology- seen by whole world in new parliamentary election when this class voted in favour of  right wing party negotiating with secularism for a shortcut to development ,which is more dreamy than actual.
Few examples where it fails
1.      Article 377
2.      Universal civil code.
3.      Communal riots
4.      No equal status to women-patriarchal mindset
-    Negligent of problem and lack of awareness of underdevelopment of peripheral states like J & K , North east . AFSPA still prevalent in these states.

Conclusion: waiting for your feedback