
Sunday, 9 November 2014

16. How to end the Violence ?

Framework (parawise):
1.   Relation of violence and Human civilization
2.   Questioning to ourselves related to our failure to end violence
3.   Understanding of violence
4.   Violence and  its various characteristics at hierarchical level of human world
5.    What we have done to end it
6.    Causes of failure and what we should do in future
7.   Holistic approach worldwide to end the violence
Human civilization has been the manifestation, victim and evidence of violence throughout the human history. Largely, violence is being seen with wielding of power and its expression. Ancient and medieval period of human history is evident of mass scale wars and struggle for power of which violence played instrumental role. Various spiritual being like Buddha, Jesus, Mahavira, Mohammad and Mahatma Gandhi and   defined violence and gave message of non-violence to humanity from time to time. But violence is still present in its most dangerous and hovering over the world invincibly.
                        We need not prove that the violence free world is common consensus of all humans, societies, nations and religions. It is required to question why we are failed and even vanquished before violence and its different manifestation.We tried wholeheartedly then what factors impeded or stopped us to do that our faulty approach, superficial efforts, our lack of understanding or misinterpretation regarding violence caused failure .If we all want to eliminate violence from the world then who is stopping us to do so. Should we conclude that violence is undetachable part of human life and human society?
                       Concept of Duality tells that if there is harmonies then there will violence.Everthing comes in a package. When human defined the harmony, consensus, and solidarity then automatically defined the opposites disharmony, conflict, disintegration and segregation.Human being is also social being .Being is a product of nature, history, geography, culture and consciousness. Consciousness of human makes him social being. The relationship, interaction and interpersonal behavior is imperative part among social beings .Though social being is deliberate form of human being, yet imperfect and far from ideal. We are society but in a progressive way, under process not an end product. In practical world, these very imperfections are the cause of negative values, ills in society. Violence is one of the imperfection prevailing in nonideal human society.Desire, expectations, self interest, domination, self survival are basic instincts of humans. Among these, domination and survival are animal instinct which sometimes suppresses the individual and his goodness and cause violence physical expression, otherwise mental, there is every now and then animal instinct of man do violence. When man live in society then conflicts are unavoidable. Self interest and desires of human being bring him to in conflict with fellow being. It is conflict of interest, rivalry, lack of consensus, desire to dominate or power projection over others is some of driving factors of violence. Actually, violence is use of physical force intended to kill, damage or overpower someone. It can be expressed against man or animal.
                         Violence is all pervasive at family, community, regional, national, international and global level. What are the causes of violence? Violence has some ideological background or some values underpinning. At family level, patriarchal and personal values are in conflict with intimate member. At regional level, fundamentalism, communalism, linguism, regionalism, terrorism etc. At national and international level chauvinism, ultra nationalism, fundamentalism, terrorism and extremism in its various manifestations. Violence bring violence, it means if the violence is countered by violence then instead of being curbing we lit uncontrolled fire of violence. The world has seen mass destruction and holocaust of two world wars and several civil wars ,terrorist activities ,ethnic conflicts with widespread violence .The latest technology and development of science has aided the agencies practicing violence for mass killings, damage and destruction with the WMD’s ,biological weapons, automatic small arms in bulk, nuclear weapons etc.We at societal level have good human values, social sanctions,legal laws, security agencies and at higher level spirituality and a eternal and universal desire for peace and harmony. But violence still persists and sometimes overpowers all human efforts to check it. At international and global level, a number of treaties are done for non proliferation of arms and disarmament, formation of United Nations for world peace and cooperation but a measurable check of violence is still far distant dream. It is not our failure but half hearted efforts which failed to bring desired results. The root cause behind violation is inequalities, uneven distribution of limited resources, human greed and blind follow up of materialism consumerism, unending desire to comfort and accumulation.

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