We create the culture- culture recreates us- Geetz.
It is possible by dissemination of knowledge and propagation of it from one generation to other generation.Man's quest for excellence and control of nature related to accumulation of knowledge and its application.That is why,evolution of various learning methods happened like scripts,language and other ways of communication.Classroom learning is the way of learning and educating the young of society.It is formal way of socialization of Young in Modern society. It is many- to- one mode of teaching in formal school education system.(definition)
Classroom learning is one of the most prevalent method in imparting knowledge and education in 20th century. Though in increasingly technological world, ICT and Internet are changing the classroom from separate infrastructure of school to individual students' household. But dialogue and two way interactional method satisfy the human psyche and his appeal. Job Stewart-"the internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom". I mean there is no way that any day classroom leaning is going to be irrelevant.(thesis)
Classroom is the world of social life,opportunity to social mingling, way of socialization, quenching behavioural instincts, and ground for group dynamics etc. This world is practical where formal education is subsidiary not the only goal. value education, cooperation ,knowing and internalization of customs and norms of society. In traditional class room learning is through doing and by experience , live model of society at large. This type of learning make the personality which become integral to society gradually. Not alternatives can provide so much dynamics to individuals.(subthesis-1)
Classroom learning have histories and memories. Students have friend circle which are with them throughout life. They have souvenirs of school days.classroom are multidimensional where activities occur simultaneously ,things happen quickly,events are unpredictable -that is total sum of life -a true example of Human life.(subthesis-2)
But life is about more and more and further enrichment. it is about being better day by day. Virtual classroom are apt in this approach. their quick response to correctives and adaptation is unique. Flipped classroom brought dynamism like one- to- many passive coaching to one to one active coaching.now the lecture at home and homework can be at classroom. it is remedy to one size fit all methods. Advent of cloud services provide option of choosing their own guru. these flipped classes are miracle by providing access across boundaries and without any human biases. then what is there which hinder them to transform the scenario of traditional classroom.(subthesis-3)
Still there are numerous concern for these type of virtual classes- reliable and affordable internet access and access devices are not universally available. Digital divide comes from the structural inequalities of the human world.Most of the population(>2 billion) do not have basic necessities leave alone the internet. Content authenticity, copyrights issues, content selection. separating data, information and knowledge is going complex each day are some of the issues to address. lack of concentration , short span of reading, diversion to commercials and pornography are also needs to resolved before making the virtual classes effective at par.(subthesis-4).
The passion of technocrats for increased interactiveness at virtual mode of learning making them similar to traditional classes but not in employment generation. The mass open source courses are good at delivery to mass students at a single time. but learning is for employment and livelihood to which these classrooms have to do lot of work.
Classroom will be integral to virtual classes gradually. the integration of both mode of learning is salvation and liberation of human from passive and enforced way of learning. More choices and self determined mode is new Mantra for young ,it should be celebrated for long.