
Friday, 30 October 2015

29. Are classroom relevant today?

We create the culture- culture recreates us- Geetz.
It is possible by dissemination of knowledge and propagation of it from one generation to other generation.Man's quest for excellence and control of nature related to accumulation of knowledge and its application.That is why,evolution of various learning methods happened like scripts,language and other ways of communication.Classroom learning is the way of learning and educating the young of society.It is formal way of socialization of Young in Modern society. It is many- to- one mode of teaching in formal school education system.(definition)
Classroom learning is one of the most prevalent method in imparting knowledge and education in 20th century. Though  in increasingly technological world, ICT and Internet are changing the classroom from separate infrastructure of school to individual students' household. But dialogue and two way interactional method satisfy the human psyche and his appeal. Job Stewart-"the internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom". I mean there is no way that any day classroom leaning is going to be irrelevant.(thesis)
Classroom is the world of social life,opportunity to social mingling, way of socialization, quenching behavioural instincts, and ground for group dynamics etc. This world is practical where formal education is subsidiary not the only goal. value education, cooperation ,knowing and internalization of customs and norms of society. In traditional class room learning is through doing and by experience , live model of society at large. This type of learning make the personality which become integral to society gradually. Not alternatives can provide so much dynamics to individuals.(subthesis-1)
Classroom learning have histories and memories. Students have friend circle which are with them throughout life. They have souvenirs of school days.classroom are multidimensional where activities occur simultaneously ,things happen quickly,events are unpredictable -that is total sum of life -a true example of Human life.(subthesis-2)
But life is about more and more and further enrichment. it is about being better day by day. Virtual classroom are apt in this approach. their quick response to correctives and adaptation is unique. Flipped classroom brought dynamism like one- to- many passive coaching to one to one active the lecture at home and homework can be at classroom. it is remedy to one size fit all methods. Advent of cloud services provide option of choosing their own guru. these flipped classes are miracle by providing access across boundaries and without any human biases. then what is there which hinder them to transform the scenario of traditional classroom.(subthesis-3)
Still there are numerous concern for these type of virtual classes- reliable and affordable internet access and access devices are not universally available. Digital divide comes from the structural inequalities of the human world.Most of the population(>2 billion) do not have basic necessities leave alone the internet. Content authenticity, copyrights issues, content selection. separating data, information and knowledge is going complex each day are some of the issues to address. lack of concentration , short span of reading, diversion to commercials and pornography are also needs to resolved before making the virtual classes effective at par.(subthesis-4).
The passion of technocrats for increased interactiveness at virtual mode of learning making them similar to traditional classes but not in employment generation. The mass open source courses are good at delivery to mass students at a single time. but learning is for employment and livelihood to which these classrooms have to do lot of work.
Classroom will be integral to virtual classes gradually. the integration of both mode of learning is salvation and liberation of human from passive and enforced way of learning. More choices and self determined mode is new Mantra for young ,it should be celebrated for long.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

28. "Globalization is dead"

Globalisation increasing, deepening and broadening of the interconnected of the world in every walk of life. Globalisation is not only restricted to economic aspect only. It incorporated almost all aspects of society like political, economic , cultural and social. Globalization is like a flow and process which but gives increasingly networked connection have been thickening but the significance of thickening remains contestable.It fundamentally deals with flows. the kind of flows are Ideas, capital, commodities and people.(definition)
Globalisation is like a flow.Then, can we consider that it is phenomenon of the contemporary world only and was not present in the past. If it was not present in the past then definitely there are some forces which emerged recently. The two dimensionality of the process is economic integration facilitated by technology. The increasing internationalization of marketing, production and distribution of the goods. The internet and Integration of the citizens across borders uniting the world into single, lucrative, but brutally competitive market place. these processes are ever changing in pace and intensity. we can perceive and compare that the pace is slow or slower but it can not be stopped completely. Globalisation is never dead but the processes are dampened by some factors which need to be discussed and worthy of critical thought.(Thesis)
The recent economic crisis and afterwards protectionism in world trade and exchange of commodities. The protectionism is at peak when 90 percent of the exports from the least developed countries have to compete against 'some kind of subsidized rival. The capital and  hot money related volatility of the banking and financial sectors made the national markets wary of each other. The main drivers of change are exhaust of energy and settling down. (subthesis-1)
The migration wave were both cause and effect of the Globalization. Now the borders are closing.humanitarian crisis of migrants looming large from war torn and riot affected countries. Migration have changed the mood due to anti immigration policies of the developed world under influence of right wing conservatives.(subthesis-2)
Hopes for Doha round are almost dead . UN body is not able to stop war ,terrorism,piracy and trafficking etc.The global institutions to bring the globalization in effect are ineffective.The climate change negotiation are not result oriented.(subthesis-3)
Globalisation and the ideological positions are the tranformationalist say that globalization as having both negative and positive consequences, and also both homogenising and hybridising impact plus emergence of identity based defences. Homogenization and hybridisation here related to cultural dimension of the globalization. for example In India Pizza cannot replace the dosa and jeans and kurta are weared in combination.(subthesis-4)
There is almost opposite and a counter wave of Anti-Globalization exist. it seems that wave have considerable force to slow down the process and atleast direct it. the major actors of this wave are national liberation factions, environmentalists and left wing parties.Anti globalization is not against Globalization per se but against certain aspects of it. (subthesis-5)
After studying the various aspects of globalization and its counter wave we can conclude that Globalization as a process is historical,continuous and variable in its pace. Social change is in inevitable ,Globalization is part of it or not will always remain a critical question with supporting view and counter view. Hope lies in the selective adaptation and adoption of the phenomenon for the betterment and enlightenment of humanity.(reinstatement and conclusion)


Sunday, 25 October 2015

27. Should Women be Allowed to Fight in Combat, Including in Infantry?

When we ask such a question Like appropriateness of women in combat at front end then we divide the Human civilization into two gender where one seems at decision making end at individual level or at social level.
If circumstances and milieu allowed and reasoning of time justified the build of man dominated Military or combat force then need is to reconsider the plan in contemporary world. We can analyse the situation holistically by gradual study of various issues involved to meet conclusion somehow.
Moral and Ethical responsibility to protect and secure society lies with both the Gender Male and Female. Gender being social concept can be changed and deliberate socially made differences of division of work can be eliminated then. If it is related to biology then then inferential judgement of less physical strength, stamina can be put to grueling ranger course before recruitment of Women to combat field ,Armour infantry ,artillery or similar other jobs. Bodily complications can be excused which are only for limited period and can be suppressed by medication ,thus easily spared.
Women when will be recruited in infantry then many other issues will also arise. Like Our minister of defence said recently that India cannot afford her women as war prisoner . It is sexist remark . Women are not property or asset the male dominated countery or society own as matter of respect. Martyrdom and right to combat and die for country is equally prerogatives of Women as of Men. The participation of half gender will even provide strength to military to ensure win in war.
The Inclusion of Women fighters in Army can help and outweigh and outweigh any short term compromises. The social sensitivity will increase which can help to read emotions of terrorism and extremism affected people. the information and intelligence and can collected from Women victims without fear of retribution if assured by Women combatants. Recently Women Combatants In Afghanistan practiced the same tactics successfully and not planning to use it in Libya, Sudan and other African Countries.
But military cannot be suitable for women, Until it changes itself and society as well.Recently many incidents of Sexual harassment case came to surface in US military .In such circumstances ,the indifference of Top brass in Military was noticed. In India, Situation can be worsened as Less women at upper Echelon and immunity of defence from Media reportage and civilian Judiciary. The military culture must be changed first and should be conducive to security of Women recruits and proper mechanism of Grievance redressal or special women cell.
Society have differences and biases in the process of socialisation of girl and boys. It make girl child timid, delicate and submissive . Gender neutral upbringing must be ensured. even some female can be brought up in monomanical focus on battle at centre stage of daily life from devoted martial races and group along with male members.
The group dynamics and cooperation-conflict scenario of both gender in army is understudied. It must be area of study of Military and combat life.
Military is not Social experiment but just a simple pragmatism. A practical approach to include the women in Infantry is a step in favour of nation and security. But a planned and studied approach is needed by taking in confidence the people and official who are opposed to it. Israel ha already given full combat status to women, rest of the country can follow the model with few adjustment according to their needs.

Monday, 19 October 2015

26. Privacy vs Transparency: Transparency is for Government, not for Citizens

Both "Privacy" and "transparency" under makeover in modern era. Privacy and transparency are two ends of the same continuum. the more you have of one ,the less you have of the another.Privacy is in personal interest and Transparency is in Public interest. This the very reason That the laws of Privacy have exception for the public interest. If the public interest are undermined ,then individual privacy can be infringed upon.Similarly, in Transparency laws , infringement of the Individual privacy is not required unless it is in Public interest.
Transparency is required to have a check on the power,the state and the government.Privacy protections must be inversely proportionate to power and, as Julian Assange says, transparency requirements should be directly proportionate to power. There is not meaning and large public interest to share private information of the powerless.But there is not international laws of transparency in the era of Democratic and Digital governance. This is like the whole system at Global top is hijacked by powerful elite in their interest. Recently Snowden exposed the Huge surveillance project of US named "Prism". This is blatant attack on Right of Privacy by institutionalized powerful means of technology.
What we need privacy or Transparency is not our debate. We need both in appropriate context. In the era of explosive new technology like GPS,Biometric, Smart Phone, Internet Use Tracking, it seems privacy have no role and outrightly denied and transparency is new mantra but it is not so. Privacy is basic need of Human psyche. It is necessary for personal liberty,freedom and hapiness. definitely it has some limits till the public interest are not harmed. Similarly transparency have its own role in public domain.
Transparency is denied by various means particularly in developing country where democracy is not so mature and Civil society is less organized. Information is the currency of democracy. For this currency RTI activists are paying heavy toll of their life in country like India.Many government have long history and culture of secrecy.their infrastucture and functioning is opposed to openness. the cost of availing information is very high which frustrate the efforts of information seeker. For governmental transparency ,information should be understandable and of quality so that citizens can make informed decisions.They can have meaningful oversight and valuable inputs about public official. Understandable means places in context and quality means complete , accurate and timely.So can there be a alternative model of access to information and for open and transparent system.
Data activists can provide a viable alternative model for transparency by not challenging power hierarchies. Data activists work where the information is available at bottom of the power pyramid and obsessed with tools and technologies rather power asymmetries and injustices. This obsession and avoidance protect them from threat of power. Like bringing to public the wrong balance sheets,false identity and poor plans from easily available online data is job of data activist. he do not go against to avail and get answer of his question. On the other hand digitization of information reduced the cost of data access. Through biometric attendance system for all bureaucrats make them punctual. Corruption is not exclusive from not being punctual.But the same biometric when issued to public in the name of AAdhar. There is no public interest in infringing privacy of powerless . But the same biometric have huge public benefits if given to bureaucrats and politicians.
In the era of RTI act,2005 and Citizen charter and their further linkages to E-government and E-governance can provide a simplest and affordable way of realising informed society. the right to be informed is current demand of Democracy. this is the way of bypassing the evolving conflict between Administration and information seeker citizenry. In other words it is the effective way that allows us to use Privacy law and Transparency law of addressing the power asymmetries rather than exacerbating them.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

25. “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another” – Gandhi.

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another” – Gandhi.
Ans. The life on earth evolved in interdependent and shared way. The human are not exception to it .Survival and sustainability depends on the some principles of nature of common existence and mutual dependence. Human have knowledge regarding these principles but he always react in self interest. Sometimes he compete with other species for his interest. Like in limited space of earth he want to control all resources to harness them for his own comfort or rather to satisfy his greed. Gandhi Ji once said that "this planet has sufficient for everyone need but not for everyone's greed".
we are cutting trees and forests uncontrollably without giving a second thought.Like in Brazil's Amazon rain forests, one of the largest carbon sink , faced more than 40 percent deforestation till now. similar stories are happening throughout world with accelerating pace. what are we doing is out of necessity or greed is matter of debate. But definitely , Human being running in a race in which he himself runs more faster and faster to try to win it. what he himself is losing in this race is matter of concern and need to have a look. From historical time we are being part of integrated consolidated whole of life on earth. But with the accumulation of knowledge ,development of means of control of nature and establishing superiority over other forms of life ,man has become something he has never been before.he has become alien to himself ,alien to nature and alien to each-other.
Man is acting now as a mindless consumption unit. It is nothing but a disrespect to all forms of life. In the process , he himself indulged in conflicts war, riots and unhealthy competition. he is breaking his own rules,code of conduct ,moral behaviour. He is violating basic human rights of fellow being and in result harming oneself. The recent Migrants crisis, lack of humanitarian values to treat them with dignity and not providing them shelter, is reflection of void and worthless ethical values at international level. Both phenomenon of treating forests and other beings are interrelated and is the same thing. The nature and reason of treatment is same only the ways are different ,but not to a great extent.
what gone wrong is the main question. The superior specious on earth behaving in such a irresponsible, irrational and unethical way. Even he is not aware of the concern of future generations. the Increased Population and per capital consumption of man are two major factors responsible for nature exploitation to a extent when nature find it beyond the limit of restoration.
Though we are doing common efforts at regional,national and global level. But it seems many things are worsened beyond the level of control. Climate change, terrorism, Global warming, Poverty and pollution of different kind are some of the examples. there are Global debate, discussion ,negotiation and efforts are happening but not with much effectiveness.
Accountability is misplaced and blame-game to each other is disrupting the collective efforts and solution. Still there is hope as whole Human civilization now at least have consensus that immediate action is required for sustainability and survival. You can make mistake but your are not failure untill you start blaming others for those mistakes- is the lesson to be learned for man.
Man has reflexive nature . he can contemplate and have vision for future course of action. At the same time he can evaluate his own actions. Now the problems are more common and the solution lies in common action. he must control his temptations and instincts in his own survival. Gandhi Ji said "be the part of change you want to see in the world". Eco friendly Frugal mode of life , spirituality and contentment are some ways of optimum use limit natural resources available. The soltution can be discovered in Sustainable development goals after MDG's , reducing GHG's emission with new negotiated targets and curb expenditure and resources on military expansion by World disarmament negotiation and consensus.
The greatness of human being can be judged by the way he treats other life forms specifically the one he is dependent upon. Forests and trees have been integral part of human life from primitive society. Modern life should not be antagonistic to it . we have to travel long before final sleep so the forests should be dark and deep is apt line with slight modification of Robest Frosts's famous poem.

24.‘Secularism truly means keeping religion out of politics. Likewise democracy means keeping politics out of religion’. Discuss

Secularism is connected to material well being without considering any theologian affiliations.It is based on rational thought , worth of worldly existence. Likewise Democracy can be brought by human values of social order, harmony and peaceful life which are well enshrined in every religious thought. One's conception of oneself in relationship with society and at the same time respect to the sacredness of society is basis of Democracy.thus while sacredness and deep religiosity are conspicuously absent from Concept of Secularism ,it is well rooted in idea of Democracy.
How Politics in democracy is related to religion is well thought out by our Political leaders. Gandhiji used the concept of Ramrajya to draw Hindu masses and Khilafat Movement to attract Muslim Masses. Religion and religious institutions had to be used repeatedly to inspire people towards political action.It is like religion and politics can not be separated from life of people but politicization of religion should be avoided.On the hand, Every form of diversity ,particularly religious diversity ,is enmeshed in power relations. So it is endemic to every religiously diverse society is an illegitimate use of power whereby the basic interests of one group are threatened by actions of other. We can cite lot of examples in history and contemporary societies like Communal frenzy and riots ,partition of India based on two nations theory related to religion,Clash of civilizations(Islam vs Christianity) etc.
Secularism is central to a morally defensive inclusive society that is a society free from religious or religion based exclusions ,oppressions and , more generally, form of domination. Secularism has some instrumental value to keep religion out of politics. Secularism must be established to bring harmony ,fraternity and tolerance in society.
In recent Indian scenario , one political group is indifferent to religious intolerance of majority hindu fundamentalists of imposing food diet devoid of beef on other communities.This represent the communal basis of politics and intolerance of majority group that create insecurity among minorities. They ,then, consolidate in group based on religion or other parochial identity. This is the entry of religion into the politics. Democracy is about keeping religion out of politics.This can be achieved by rational, reasonable, innovative, secular, sceptical, challenging, tolerant and creative modernity which provide security to every individual and group.Equality is the very basis of it. Suppose there is equal opportunities of livelihood and life chances for each individual along with economic and social security. Because it is economy that makes a person secular or parochial. Equal opportunities of dignified life for each individual bring Democracy in society and keeps out the need of religion to play a part in politics. Democracy survives with politics and religion in social life but sustain when both are separated reasonably.
That is why , Indian secularism never collided either with religion or religious authority. It is religious community rather than religious authority which mattered in Indian context. In Nutshell, Secularism in indian context is separation of religion from Politics.It means that secularism is not against religiosity but is opposed to institutionalized religious domination. At the same time ,Indian constitution have provisions like equality, right to conscience and freedom of religion, protection of Minority in fundamental rights and welfare measures in DPSP. These provisons envision democracy which should be able to discourage politics on narrow religion line.
Secularism is the very principle on which democracy stands. Substantive democracy avoid entry of politics to people's religious life. it restricts the religious matter to personal affairs only.Thus secularism are not two separates but substantiates each other.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

23.Civilization is the distance that man has placed between himself and his own excreta!

Civilization Is travel of Man from his own own history to present. It is man's capability to accumulate, preserve and enrich what he had in name of civilization. But things were not the same and easy for tiny man. His own collective efforts, accumulated knowledge , risk taking behaviour and above all curiosity and vision to win nature made him superior being. In primitive life he was restricted to basic instinct but gradually used to satisfy his higher need like psychological ,social and spiritual. He became civilized in his own context which was also his creativeness to be progressive towards his own set goals. this desire of being civilized,was motivating force behind man's continuous and incessant efforts to exploit nature for his own good.Man became greedy and forceful. Increasingly he exploited nature for his own comfort and sustainability.
when he started harnessing environment beyond its capacity to recover itself ,problem started. Problem was not natural but created by Man.It is called Human excreta,human waste which can not be revived or assimilate in nature automatically. Pollution and city garbage of every kind is one form of Human excreta .Man ,though, did not justified each of his step and tried to stop the monster by his conception. he thought what is right and what is wrong. He developed values which are essential and imperative for humans to sustain and survive for long. He made rules and norms to follow so that human excreta can be minimized. He also developed technology and scientific means to fulfill his needs efficiently. But uncontrolled population and his increasing needs left all efforts futile. He became civilized when came in society. But man's internal conflicts,inequalities and struggle for same resources made him greedy,irrational, valueless. He initiated a monster to whom he himself can not stop.
Unmanageable city wastes Like E-waste, nuclear waste, pollutants of all kinds causing environmental degradation, pollution and rendering nature unsustainable. This all human excreta is like our civilization as we conceived it. It is accumulating day by day. what A civilization is for us ? At a short distance or even within society uncivilized world prevalent.We never dreamed of such a condition. In real , condition is more dreadful and horrible. Natural resources of basic human needs are going to finish in near future. This limited nature of resources created another problem of civilized world. Inequalities prevail in world specifically extreme poverty in developing country. Poverty ridden people and primitive societies are of means to be civilized more by exploiting them for so called civilized Part of World.
In developing country like India, Constitution is small accumulation of our history,culture,tradition and thus of whole Civilization in terms of Values and guide of Society. But it has not been so successful in its mandate of Equality of society. Unequal society cannot come to consensus to manage wastage with wisdom. Let us take an example of Open defecation as a parallel to Human excreta. Which should be managed and dumped properly to avoid harm to oneself and to others.But despite previous government efforts and Swachh Baharat Mission by current government we are not yet successful to eliminate this evil from society. Because a large part of society cannot afford such basic necessity. They even face shame ,insecurity and unhygiene. In reality we can not be called civilized untill every evil is eliminated. But If the civilization is the distance that man has placed between himself and his own excreta. then it should be changed. Man's conception of Civilization,then ,is nothing but his hypocrisy. It is not the distance but proper management of his excreta to be the integral part of Nature and his civilized world by recycle,reuse and recovery of human waste. This is the way of sustainable and civilized way of Human life and its worth.