When we ask such a question Like appropriateness of women in combat at front end then we divide the Human civilization into two gender where one seems at decision making end at individual level or at social level.
If circumstances and milieu allowed and reasoning of time justified the build of man dominated Military or combat force then need is to reconsider the plan in contemporary world. We can analyse the situation holistically by gradual study of various issues involved to meet conclusion somehow.
If circumstances and milieu allowed and reasoning of time justified the build of man dominated Military or combat force then need is to reconsider the plan in contemporary world. We can analyse the situation holistically by gradual study of various issues involved to meet conclusion somehow.
Moral and Ethical responsibility to protect and secure society lies with both the Gender Male and Female. Gender being social concept can be changed and deliberate socially made differences of division of work can be eliminated then. If it is related to biology then then inferential judgement of less physical strength, stamina can be put to grueling ranger course before recruitment of Women to combat field ,Armour infantry ,artillery or similar other jobs. Bodily complications can be excused which are only for limited period and can be suppressed by medication ,thus easily spared.
Women when will be recruited in infantry then many other issues will also arise. Like Our minister of defence said recently that India cannot afford her women as war prisoner . It is sexist remark . Women are not property or asset the male dominated countery or society own as matter of respect. Martyrdom and right to combat and die for country is equally prerogatives of Women as of Men. The participation of half gender will even provide strength to military to ensure win in war.
The Inclusion of Women fighters in Army can help and outweigh and outweigh any short term compromises. The social sensitivity will increase which can help to read emotions of terrorism and extremism affected people. the information and intelligence and can collected from Women victims without fear of retribution if assured by Women combatants. Recently Women Combatants In Afghanistan practiced the same tactics successfully and not planning to use it in Libya, Sudan and other African Countries.
But military cannot be suitable for women, Until it changes itself and society as well.Recently many incidents of Sexual harassment case came to surface in US military .In such circumstances ,the indifference of Top brass in Military was noticed. In India, Situation can be worsened as Less women at upper Echelon and immunity of defence from Media reportage and civilian Judiciary. The military culture must be changed first and should be conducive to security of Women recruits and proper mechanism of Grievance redressal or special women cell.
Society have differences and biases in the process of socialisation of girl and boys. It make girl child timid, delicate and submissive . Gender neutral upbringing must be ensured. even some female can be brought up in monomanical focus on battle at centre stage of daily life from devoted martial races and group along with male members.
The group dynamics and cooperation-conflict scenario of both gender in army is understudied. It must be area of study of Military and combat life.
Military is not Social experiment but just a simple pragmatism. A practical approach to include the women in Infantry is a step in favour of nation and security. But a planned and studied approach is needed by taking in confidence the people and official who are opposed to it. Israel ha already given full combat status to women, rest of the country can follow the model with few adjustment according to their needs.
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