Secularism is connected to material well being without considering any theologian affiliations.It is based on rational thought , worth of worldly existence. Likewise Democracy can be brought by human values of social order, harmony and peaceful life which are well enshrined in every religious thought. One's conception of oneself in relationship with society and at the same time respect to the sacredness of society is basis of Democracy.thus while sacredness and deep religiosity are conspicuously absent from Concept of Secularism ,it is well rooted in idea of Democracy.
How Politics in democracy is related to religion is well thought out by our Political leaders. Gandhiji used the concept of Ramrajya to draw Hindu masses and Khilafat Movement to attract Muslim Masses. Religion and religious institutions had to be used repeatedly to inspire people towards political action.It is like religion and politics can not be separated from life of people but politicization of religion should be avoided.On the hand, Every form of diversity ,particularly religious diversity ,is enmeshed in power relations. So it is endemic to every religiously diverse society is an illegitimate use of power whereby the basic interests of one group are threatened by actions of other. We can cite lot of examples in history and contemporary societies like Communal frenzy and riots ,partition of India based on two nations theory related to religion,Clash of civilizations(Islam vs Christianity) etc.
Secularism is central to a morally defensive inclusive society that is a society free from religious or religion based exclusions ,oppressions and , more generally, form of domination. Secularism has some instrumental value to keep religion out of politics. Secularism must be established to bring harmony ,fraternity and tolerance in society.
In recent Indian scenario , one political group is indifferent to religious intolerance of majority hindu fundamentalists of imposing food diet devoid of beef on other communities.This represent the communal basis of politics and intolerance of majority group that create insecurity among minorities. They ,then, consolidate in group based on religion or other parochial identity. This is the entry of religion into the politics. Democracy is about keeping religion out of politics.This can be achieved by rational, reasonable, innovative, secular, sceptical, challenging, tolerant and creative modernity which provide security to every individual and group.Equality is the very basis of it. Suppose there is equal opportunities of livelihood and life chances for each individual along with economic and social security. Because it is economy that makes a person secular or parochial. Equal opportunities of dignified life for each individual bring Democracy in society and keeps out the need of religion to play a part in politics. Democracy survives with politics and religion in social life but sustain when both are separated reasonably.
That is why , Indian secularism never collided either with religion or religious authority. It is religious community rather than religious authority which mattered in Indian context. In Nutshell, Secularism in indian context is separation of religion from Politics.It means that secularism is not against religiosity but is opposed to institutionalized religious domination. At the same time ,Indian constitution have provisions like equality, right to conscience and freedom of religion, protection of Minority in fundamental rights and welfare measures in DPSP. These provisons envision democracy which should be able to discourage politics on narrow religion line.
Secularism is the very principle on which democracy stands. Substantive democracy avoid entry of politics to people's religious life. it restricts the religious matter to personal affairs only.Thus secularism are not two separates but substantiates each other.
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