“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another” – Gandhi.
Ans. The life on earth evolved in interdependent and shared way. The human are not exception to it .Survival and sustainability depends on the some principles of nature of common existence and mutual dependence. Human have knowledge regarding these principles but he always react in self interest. Sometimes he compete with other species for his interest. Like in limited space of earth he want to control all resources to harness them for his own comfort or rather to satisfy his greed. Gandhi Ji once said that "this planet has sufficient for everyone need but not for everyone's greed".
Ans. The life on earth evolved in interdependent and shared way. The human are not exception to it .Survival and sustainability depends on the some principles of nature of common existence and mutual dependence. Human have knowledge regarding these principles but he always react in self interest. Sometimes he compete with other species for his interest. Like in limited space of earth he want to control all resources to harness them for his own comfort or rather to satisfy his greed. Gandhi Ji once said that "this planet has sufficient for everyone need but not for everyone's greed".
we are cutting trees and forests uncontrollably without giving a second thought.Like in Brazil's Amazon rain forests, one of the largest carbon sink , faced more than 40 percent deforestation till now. similar stories are happening throughout world with accelerating pace. what are we doing is out of necessity or greed is matter of debate. But definitely , Human being running in a race in which he himself runs more faster and faster to try to win it. what he himself is losing in this race is matter of concern and need to have a look. From historical time we are being part of integrated consolidated whole of life on earth. But with the accumulation of knowledge ,development of means of control of nature and establishing superiority over other forms of life ,man has become something he has never been before.he has become alien to himself ,alien to nature and alien to each-other.
Man is acting now as a mindless consumption unit. It is nothing but a disrespect to all forms of life. In the process , he himself indulged in conflicts war, riots and unhealthy competition. he is breaking his own rules,code of conduct ,moral behaviour. He is violating basic human rights of fellow being and in result harming oneself. The recent Migrants crisis, lack of humanitarian values to treat them with dignity and not providing them shelter, is reflection of void and worthless ethical values at international level. Both phenomenon of treating forests and other beings are interrelated and is the same thing. The nature and reason of treatment is same only the ways are different ,but not to a great extent.
what gone wrong is the main question. The superior specious on earth behaving in such a irresponsible, irrational and unethical way. Even he is not aware of the concern of future generations. the Increased Population and per capital consumption of man are two major factors responsible for nature exploitation to a extent when nature find it beyond the limit of restoration.
Though we are doing common efforts at regional,national and global level. But it seems many things are worsened beyond the level of control. Climate change, terrorism, Global warming, Poverty and pollution of different kind are some of the examples. there are Global debate, discussion ,negotiation and efforts are happening but not with much effectiveness.
Accountability is misplaced and blame-game to each other is disrupting the collective efforts and solution. Still there is hope as whole Human civilization now at least have consensus that immediate action is required for sustainability and survival. You can make mistake but your are not failure untill you start blaming others for those mistakes- is the lesson to be learned for man.
Man has reflexive nature . he can contemplate and have vision for future course of action. At the same time he can evaluate his own actions. Now the problems are more common and the solution lies in common action. he must control his temptations and instincts in his own survival. Gandhi Ji said "be the part of change you want to see in the world". Eco friendly Frugal mode of life , spirituality and contentment are some ways of optimum use limit natural resources available. The soltution can be discovered in Sustainable development goals after MDG's , reducing GHG's emission with new negotiated targets and curb expenditure and resources on military expansion by World disarmament negotiation and consensus.
The greatness of human being can be judged by the way he treats other life forms specifically the one he is dependent upon. Forests and trees have been integral part of human life from primitive society. Modern life should not be antagonistic to it . we have to travel long before final sleep so the forests should be dark and deep is apt line with slight modification of Robest Frosts's famous poem.
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